

  1. Hsu, J. H., Wu, C. H., Wang, W. K., Su, H. Y., Lin, E. C. L., & Chen, P. S. (2023). Digital phenotyping-based bipolar disorder assessment using multiple correlation data imputation and lasso-MLP. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. http://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2023.3299607

  2. 林靜蘭2023進階精神衛生護理角色的實踐及利基護理雜誌70(4)29-34[Lin, E. C. L. (2023). Practice and niches of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in psychiatric and mental health care. The Journal of Nursing. 70(4), 15-21.] https://doi.org/10.6224/JN.202308_70(4).03

  3. 林靜蘭2023融入反烙印之精神衛生護理教育模式護理雜誌70(1)29-34[Lin, E. C. L. (2023). Incorporating anti-stigma training into psychiatric mental health nursing education. The Journal of Nursing. 70(1), 29-34.]

  4. Fitryasari, R., Nihayati, H. E., Yusuf, A., Islamiyah, T., Hikmawati, S. I., Ayu, E. Q., Agustin, R., & Lin, E. C. L.(2023). Analysis of factors related to the resilience of street children in Surabaya City, Indonesia. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 35(2), 203-208. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijamh-2022-0104

  5. 潘安妮(An-Nie Pan) ; 林靜蘭*(Esther Ching-Lan Lin) ; 許倍甄(Pei-Chen Hsu) ; 陳幸琪(Hsin-Chi Chen) ;雙相症病人主客觀睡眠品質與情緒症狀相關性之縱貫性研究。精神衛生護理雜誌,17(3)26-36 10.6847/TJPMHN.202212_17(3).04

  6. 黃嘉莉(Chia-Li Huang) ; 高瑞勇(Ruei-Yong Gao) ; 李世凱(Shih-Kai Lee) ; 林靜蘭*(Esther Ching-Lan Lin) ;以幸福為導向之復元團體對於長期住院思覺失調症病人的幸福感成效:前驅研究。精神衛生護理雜誌17(3), 16-25 10.6847/TJPMHN.202212_17(3).03

  7. 陳建達(Zephyr Chien-Ta Chen) ; 許佳茵(Jia-Yin Syu) ; 陳人榕(Ren-Rong Chen) ; 林靜蘭*(Esther Ching-Lan Lin) 大學生時型及社會時差對躁鬱風險之影響精神衛生護理雜誌,17(2)12-19 10.6847/TJPMHN.202208_17(2).03
  8. Lin, E. C. L.,* & Chiou, M. S. (2022) Experience of Using a Smartphone Mood Relapse Warning Application among Patients with Bipolar Disorders: A Qualitative Inquiry. European Psychiatry, Volume 65 , Special Issue S1: Abstracts of the 30th European Congress of Psychiatry , June 2022 , pp. S570.https://doi.org/10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.1460
  9. 陳可心、王靜枝、林靜蘭*(2022).使用全球定位系統裝置追蹤失智症患者的倫理考量.台灣老年學論壇,53。[Chen, K. X., Wang, J. J., Lin, E. C.* (2022). Ethical consideration of using global positioning system location device for tracking patient with Dementia. Taiwanese Gerontological Forum, 53.]
  10. Tseng, Y. C., Lin, E. C. L., Wu, C. H., Huang, H. L., & Chen, P. S. (2022). Associations among smartphone app-based measurements of mood, sleep and activity in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research, 310, [114425]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114425
  11. Chao, H. Y., Chen, H. M., & Lin, E. C. L.*(2022). Ethical challenges of nonreading older adult women's autonomy in receiving percutaneous coronary intervention under familial paternalism in Taiwan. Journal of Transcultural Nursing : Official Journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 33(1), 110-117. https://doi.org/10.1177/10436596211035432
  12. Su, H. Y., Wu, C. H., Liou, C. R., Lin, E. C. L., & Chen, P. S. (2021). Assessment of bipolar disorder using heterogeneous data of smartphone-based digital phenotyping. In ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 4260-4264). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9415008
  13. 林子祺、高瑞勇、王盈婷、林靜蘭*2021)非精神科護理人員之健康識能及精神病患照護態度之相關性研究。精神衛生護理雜誌,163),15–24[Lin, T. -C., Gao, R. -Y., Wang, Y. -T., Lin, E. C. L.,*(2021). Mental health literacy and attitudes toward mental illness among nonpsychiatric nurses: A correlational study. The Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 16(3), 15-24. ]
  14. 林靜蘭*、高瑞勇、丘梅萱、涂兆璘(2021. 疫情下民眾的心理健康。精神衛生護理雜誌,16214–21[Lin, E. C. L.,*Gao, R. -Y., Chiou, M. -S., Tu, J. -L. (2021). Public mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 16(2), 14-21]
  15. Lin, E. C. L.,*Hsiao, F.-H., Schröder, A., Lundqvist, L.-O., Chao, H.-L., Lee, S.-K., Hung, T. -M., Lu, M. -J., Lu, H. -L., Laio, S. -J., Chang, K. -Y., & Pan, A.-N. (2021). Factors influencing patient-perceived quality of care in psychiatric hospitals in Taiwan. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(1), 9-16.
  16. Sastra, L., Büssing, A., Chen, C-H., Yen, M., Lin, E. C. L.*(2021). Spiritual needs and influencing factors of Indonesian Muslims with cancer during hospitalization. Journal of Transcultural Nursing: Official Journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 32(3), 212-220.
  17. 林靜蘭*、曾鈺晴、陳柏熹、吳宗憲(2020).智慧科技於精神醫療照護之跨域應用.護理雜誌,67(5)26-32[Lin, E. C. L.,* Tseng, Y. C., Chen, P. S., & Wu, C. H. (2020). Interdisciplinary application of smart technology in psychiatric care. The Journal of Nursing, 67(5)26-32.] https://doi.org/10.6224/JN.202010_67(5).05
  18. Fitryasari, R., Nursalam, N., Yusuf, A., Hargono, R., Lin, E. C. L. & Tristiana, R. D. (2020). Development of a family resiliency model to care of patients with schizophrenia. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35(2), 642-649. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12886
  19. Pribadi, T., Lin, E. C-L.,* Chen, P-S., Lee, S. K., Fitryasari, R., & Chen, C-H. (2020). Factors associated with internalized stigma for Indonesian individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia in a community setting. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 27(5), 584-594.
  20. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chen, P-S., Wu, C-H., & Chen, L-Y. (2020). Development and feasibility testing of a continuous mood sensor smartphone application to construct an early-relapse recognition model for individuals with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders. 2020/6;22(S1), 118.
  21. Tan, K-J., & Lin, E. C. L.,* (2020). Integrating “Patient as Educators” Into the Education of Psychiatric Nursing. Bipolar Disorders. 2020/6;22(S1), 76.
  22. Lin, E. C-L.,* Weintraub, M., Miklowitz, D. J., Lee, S-K., Chen, P-S., Chen, H-C., & Lu, R-B. (2020). The associations between illness perceptions and social rhythm stability on mood symptoms among patients with bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 273, 517-523.
  23. 高綺吟(Chi-Yin KAO) ; 陳幸琪(Shin-Chi CHEN) ; 陳嬿今(Yen-Chin CHEN) ; 柯乃熒(Nai-Ying KO) ; 林靜蘭(Esther Ching-Lan LIN)精神科急性住院病人主客觀睡眠品質、精神症狀與暴力風險之相關性:前驅研究。[Kao, C-Y., Chen, S-C., Chen, Y-C., Ko, N-Y., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2019).A pilot study of associations between subjective and objective sleep quality, psychiatric symptoms, and violent risk among acute psychiatric patients. The Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 14(1), 5-14. 
  24. Indrayana, S., Guo, S. E., Lin, C. L., & Fang, S. Y. (2018). Illness perception as a predictor of foot care behavior among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing,  30(1), 17-25. First Online: 26 April 2018. Doi: 10.1177/1043659618772347 (SCI 2017 Ranking: 55/118, 46.61% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking: 52/115, 45.22% in Nursing, IF: 1.242)
  25. Hung, H. Y., Wang, Y. W., Feng, J. Y., Wang, C. J., Lin, E. C. L., & Chang, Y. J.* (2019). Evidence-based practice curriculum development for undergraduate nursing students: The preliminary results of an action research study in Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing Research. Publish Ahead of Print doi: 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000298
  26. 許倍甄、林靜蘭、李宜燕、盧美柔*. (2018) .雙相症病患接受正念認知治療之成效 : 系統性文獻回顧高雄護理雜誌,35(3)1-11. [Hsu, P. C., Lin, E. C. L., Lee, Y. Y., Lu, M. J. (2018).  Effectiveness of the mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorderA systemic review. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 35(3), 1-11.]
  27. Lin, E. C. L(2018). Are inflammatory cytokines associated with mood symptoms among patients with bipolar disorders? Allied Journal of Medical Research, 2, 35.
  28. 張雅芬、李世凱、邵文娟、林靜蘭*2018).接受居家照護精神病患其遵囑服藥行為之調查性研究。精神衛生護理雜誌,13(1) 26-34[Chang, Y. F., Lee, S. K., Shao, W. C., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2018). A survey study of the medication adherence among the psychiatric patients receiving hospital-based home care service. Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 13(1) 26-34]
  29. 黃耀輝、林幼喻、李世凱、李明峰、林靜蘭* (2018).精神病患復元歷程之相關性研究。護理雜誌 65(2)64-74[Huang, Y. H., Lin, Y. Y., Lee, S. K., Lee, M. F., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2018). A correlational study of recovery process among patients with mental illness. The Journal of Nursing, 65(2), 64-74.]
  30. Lee, H. J., Lin, E. C. L.,* Chen, M. B., Su, T. P., & Chiang, L. C. (2018). Randomized, controlled trial of a brief family‐centred care programme for hospitalized patients with bipolar disorder and their family caregivers. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27(1), 61-71. doi: 10.1111/inm.12294(SCI 2017 Ranking: 12/118, 10.17% in Nursing; SSCI 2017 Ranking: 11/115, 9.57% in Nursing; IF: 2.033)
  31. Herlianita, R., Yen, M., Chen, C. H., Fetzer, S. J., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2018). Perception of spirituality and spiritual care among muslim nurses in Indonesia. Journal of Religion & Health57(2), 762-773. doi:10.1007/s10943-017-0437-6 (SCI 2017 Ranking:117/156, 75% in Public, environmental & occupational health; IF: 1.061)
  32. Lee, S. K., Lin, E. C. L.,* Chang, Y. F., Shao, W. C., & Lu, R. B. (2018). Psychometric evaluation of family illness perceptions of patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychiatry,8(1), 102-110. (SCI 2016 Ranking: 49/259, 18.92% in Neurosciences ; IF: 4.778)
  33. Lin, E. C. L.,* Berk, M., Hsu, P. C., & Lu, R. B. (2017). A nurse-led psychoeducational program “BalancingMySwing” improves medication adherence among Taiwanese Han-Chinese with bipolar II disorder. Neuropsychiatry, 7(4), 302-309. (SCI 2016 Ranking: 49/259, 18.92% in Neurosciences ; IF: 4.778)
  34. Lin, E. C. L.,* Pan, A. N., & Chen, H. C. (2017). The associations between subjective and objective sleep and mood symptoms of inpatients with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 19(S1), 144-145. DOI: 10.1111/bdi.12479 (SCI 2017 Ranking: 24/142, 16.90% in Psychiatry; IF: 4.490)
  35. Lin, E. C. L.,* Ko, N. Y., & Lin, M. F. (2017). Are currently available wearable devices for sleep monitoring accurate and precise? Bipolar Disorders, 19(S1), 145. DOI: 10.1111/bdi.12479 (SCI 2017 Ranking: 24/142, 16.90% in Psychiatry; IF: 4.490 )
  36. Lin, E. C. L.,* & Lin, T. C. (2017). A correlational study of mental health literacy and attitude toward mental illness and treatments among nurses in southern Taiwan. Bipolar Disorders, 19(S1), 112. DOI: 10.1111/bdi.12479 (SCI 2017 Ranking: 24/142, 16.90% in Psychiatry; IF: 4.490)
  37. Lin, E. C. L. (2017). Editor’s remarks. The Journal of Nursing, 64(3), 1. doi:10.6224/JN.000000
  38. 楊欣茹、馬維芬*林靜蘭、李采娟、黃耀輝、李世凱 (2017).園藝種植綠化方案對改善慢性思覺失調症患者自我汙名感受之成效。精神衛生護理雜誌12(2)13-23[Yang, H. J., Ma, W. F.,* Lin, E. C. L., Li, T. C., Huang, Y. H., Lee, S. K. (2017). Horticultural planting program on self-stigma for patients suffering from chronic schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 12(2), 13-23.]
  39. 李明峰、林靜蘭*(2017).模擬幻聽於大學生對精神病患同理心、知識、社會距離及態度之成效系統性回顧暨統合分析。護理雜誌,64(5)59-68 doi:10.6224/JN.000000[Lee, M. F., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2017). [The effects of auditory hallucination simulation on empathy, knowledge, social distance, and attitudes toward patients with mental illness among undergraduate students: A systemic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Nursing, 64(5), 59-68.]
  40. 許倍甄、陳幸琪、盧美柔、陸汝斌、林靜蘭*(2017).雙相情緒障礙症病患之照護.護理雜誌,64(3) 19–26[Hsu, P. C., Chen, H. C., Lu, M. J., Ru, R. B., Lin, E. C. L.* (2017). Care of individuals with bipolar disorders. The Journal of Nursing, 64(3), 19-26.]
  41. 張淑真、王潤清、吳金燕、張艾玲、林靜蘭*(2017) .台灣專科護理師執業自信及相關因素之探討。台灣專科護理師學刊,(1)41-52[Chang, S. C., Wang, R. C., Wu, C. Y., Chang, A. L., Lin, E. C. L.* (2017). Exploring Taiwan nurse-practitioners' practice confidence and its related factors. Journal of Taiwan Nurse Practitioners, 3(1), 41-52.]
  42. Chen, S. L., Hsu, H. Y., Chang, C. F., & Lin, E. C. L. (2016). An exploration of the correlates of nurse practitioners’ clinical decision‐making abilities. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(7-8).1016-1024. (SCI 2017 Ranking: 33/118, 27.97% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking:30/115, 26.09% in Nursing ; IF: 1.635)
  43. 郭鈺屏、李明峰、林靜蘭*(2016). 運用幻聽模擬於改善護生精神健康知識、 對精神疾病態度及社會距離之成效。精神衛生護理雜誌,11(1)19-26[Kuo, Y. P., Lee, M. F., & Lin, E. C. L. (2016). The effectiveness of using auditory hallucination simulation to improve nursing students’ mental health literacy, attitude toward mental illness, and social distance. The Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 11(1), 19–26]
  44. Lin, E. C. L.,* Shao, W. C., Yang, H. J., Lee, S. Y., Wu, P. C., Yen, M., & Lu, R. B. (2015). Is abnormal non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol a gender-specific predictor for metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia patients taking second-generation antipsychotics? Metabolic Brain Disease, 30(1), 107-113. DOI 10.1007/s11011-014-9587-3 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11011-014-9587-3 (SCI 2017 Ranking: 174/261, 66.67% in Neurosciences ; IF 2.441)
  45. 洪瑞黛、林清文、溫偉鈞、林靜蘭*(2015). 某區域教學醫院護理人員執業環境之調查性研究.護理雜誌,62(4)54–62[Hung, J. T., Lin, C. W., Wen, W. C., Lin, E. C. L.* (2015). A survey of the perception of nurses toward the practice environment at a regional teaching hospital in central Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing, 62(4), 54-62. ]
  46. 許倍甄、李明峰、陸汝斌、林靜蘭*2015).雙極症病患接受人際社會節奏治療之成效:系統性文獻回顧.護理暨健康照護研究,113),234−241[Hsu, P. C., Lee, M. F., Ru, R. B., Lin, E. C. L.* (2015). Effectiveness of the interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for bipolar disorder: A systemic review. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research, 11(3), 234-241. ]
  47. 郭鈺屏、洪瑞黛、黃財尉、許倍甄、蘇惠珍、林靜蘭*2014).中文版精神疾病態度量表之信效度研究:以高中生為例護理雜誌,61(6)48-56[Kuo, Y. P., Hung, J. T., Huang, T. W., Hsu, P. C., Su, H. C., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2014). Developing and testing the validity and reliability of the Chinese version attitudes toward mental illness scale in a sample of senior high school students. The Journal of Nursing, 61(6), 48-56.]
  48. 王潤清、林靜蘭、柯舜娟、張艾玲、陳月枝、李雅文(2014).某醫學中心專科護理師對工作範疇的看法。長庚護理,25(2)137-148[Wang, R. C., Lin, E. C. L., Ko, S. C., Chang, A. C., Chen, Y. C., & Lee, Y. W. (2014). The views of nurse practitioners toward the scope of their work in a medical center. Chang Gung Nursing, 25(2), 137-148. ]
  49. 藺秀慧、郭鈺屏、林靜蘭*、陳柏熹、陳高欽(2014).疾病管理團體於社區精神分裂症病患成效之前驅研究.護理暨健康照護研究,10(1)15-22[Lin, H. H., Kuo, Y. P., Lin, E. C. L.,* Chen, P. S., Chen, K. C., (2014). A pilot study of the effect of an illness management group on patients with schizophrenia living in community. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research, 10(1), 15-22. ]
  50. Chang, H. J., Chen, W. X., Lin, E. C. L., Tung, Y. Y., Fetzer, S., & Lin, M. F.* (2014). Delay in seeking medical evaluations and predictors of self-efficacy among women with suspected breast cancer: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(7), 1036-1047.  (SCI 2017 Ranking: 1/118, 0.85% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking:1/115, 0.87% in Nursing ; IF: 3.656)
  51. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chan, C. H., Shao, W. C., Lin, M. F., Shiau, S.,* Mueser, K. T., Huang, S. C., & Wang, H. S. (2013). A randomized controlled trial of an adapted illness management and recovery program for people with schizophrenia awaiting discharge from a psychiatric hospital. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36(4), 243-249. (SSCI 2017 Ranking: 18/69, 26.07% in Rehabilitation; IF : 1.822)
  52. Lin, E. C. L.,* Shao, W. C., Chan, C. H., Shiau, S.,* Wang, H. S., & Huang, S. C. (2013). A pilot study of the illness management and recovery program on patients with schizophrenia being discharged from the hospital. The Journal of Nursing Research, 21(4)270-278. (SCI 2017 Ranking: 77/118, 65.25% in Nursing; IF : 0.987)
  53. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chen, S. L., Chao, S. Y., & Chen, Y. C. (2013). Using standardized patient with immediate feedback and group discussion to teach interpersonal and communication skills to advanced practice nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 33(6), 677-683. (SCI 2017 Ranking:10/118, 8.47% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking: 10/115, 8.70% in Nursing ; IF: 2.067)
  54. 邵文娟、陳宏、張雅芬、林煒千、林靜蘭*2013).探討精神分裂症病患出院後遵囑服藥與再住院關係之前瞻性研究.護理雜誌,60(5)31-40[Shao, W. C., Chen, H., Chang, Y. F., Lin, W. C., Lin, E. C. L.* (2013). The relationship between medication adherence and rehospitalization: A prospective study of schizophrenia patients discharged from psychiatric acute wards. The Journal of Nursing, 60(5), 31-40.]
  55. 楊欣茹、邵文娟、吳培君、林靜蘭*、林梅鳳(2012).服用Clozapine之精神分裂症病患罹患代謝症候群之盛行率.護理暨健康照護研究,8(4)316-324[Yang, H. J., Shao, W. C., Wu, P. C., Lin, E. C. L.,* Lin, M. F. (2012). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia taking clozapine. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research, 8(4), 316-324. ](cited: 2)
  56. 林靜蘭*、黃秀梨(2011).衛生所之社區精神衛生工作的挑戰與機會.護理雜誌,58(3)80-86[Lin, E. C. L.,* & Hung, H. L. (2011). Opportunities and challenges for community healthcare center psychiatric care. The Journal of Nursing, 58(3), 80-86.]
  57. 徐菁珧、林靜蘭*、黃耀輝(2011).一位不遵囑服藥之情感型精神分裂症病患的護理經驗.弘光學報6433-46[Hsu, C.Y., Lin, E. C. L.,* Huang, Y. H. (2011). The nursing experience of caring a medication non-compliant patient with schizoaffective disorder. Bulletin in Hung Kuang University, 64, 33-46. ]
  58. Lin, E. C. L.,* Peng, Y. C., & Tsai, J. C. H. (2010). Lessons learned from the anti-SARS quarantine experience in a hospital-based fever screening station in Taiwan. American Journal of Infection Control, 38 (4), 302-307. (SCI 2017, Ranking:81/180, 45% in Public, environmental & occupational health; IF: 1.929 ; cited: 4)
  59. 李玫炤、熊德筠、林靜蘭* (2010) .一位慢性精神分裂症患者的出院準備照護經驗源遠護理4(1)68-77[Lee, M. C., Hsiung, D. Y., Lin, E. C. L.* (2010). Discharge planning service for a chronic schizophrenia patient. The Yuan-Yuan Nursing, 4(1), 68-77.]
  60. 熊德筠、林靜蘭*、林冠品、李玫昭(2010).出院準備概念於精神病患照護的應用.護理雜誌,57(2S)56-64[Hsiung, D. Y., Lin, E. C. L.,* Lin, K. P., Lee, M. C. (2010). Discharge planning: Practical implementation in psychiatric care. The Journal of Nursing, 57(2S), 58-64.]
  61. 林靜蘭*、溫偉鈞、姜喬慧、薛競秀 (2010).出院精神病患重返社區所面臨之阻礙.弘光學報,6126-39[Lin, E. C. L., * Wen, W. C., Chain, Q. H., & Huseh, C. H. (2010). Barriers to reintegrate to community for psychiatric outpatientsJournal of HungKuang University, 61, 26-39.]
  62. Chen, H., Lin, E. C. L.*, Shao, W. C., Chen, C.Y., Li, S. K. (2010). Effectiveness evaluation of an integrated treatment program for individuals with schizophrenia. Journal of Central & Southern Medical Alliance,3(2), 25-33.
  63. Lin, E. C. L. *, Kopelowicz, A., & Chan, C. H., & Wang, L. C. (2009). Instrument development of medication adherence among individuals with schizophrenia based on theory of planned of behavior: A preliminary report. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (EAPCN), 259(supplement1), S67- 68. (SCI 2017, Ranking:52/197, 26.40% in Clinical Neurology; IF: 3.617)
  64. Lin, E. C. L.*, Kopelowicz, A., & Chan, C. H., & Hsiung, P. C.* (2008). A qualitative inquiry into the Taiwanese mentally ill persons’ difficulties as living in the community. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 22(5), 266-276. (SCI 2017 69/118=58.47% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking:66/115=57.39% in Nursing ; IF: 1.133 ; cited: 21)
  65. 林靜蘭*蔡欣玲 (2006).以醫院為基礎居家照護服務於精神分裂症病患之成效.弘光學報,481-8[Lin, E. C. L.*, & Tsai, S. L. (2006). The effect of the hospital-based home care service for patients with schizophrenia. Bulletin in Hung Kuang University, 48, 1-8.]
  66. 林靜蘭*熊秉荃 (2005).社區中精神分裂症病患的社會技能訓練.臺灣精神醫學,19(3)192-203Lin, E. C. L.,* & Hsiung, P. C. (2005). Social skill training for persons with schizophrenia living in the community. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 19(3), 192-203. (TSSCI)
  67. 蕭淑貞、黃宣宜、林靜蘭* (2005).社區精神衛生持續性護理的現況及展望.護理雜誌,52(1)11-17[Shiau,S. J., Huang, X. Y., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2005). Continuous care in community psychiatric mental health nursing: Current state, future prospects. The Journal of Nursing, 52(1), 11-17.]
  68. 彭逸祺、蔡哲宏、林靜蘭* (2004).急診病患接受SARS 防疫隔離看診的心理衝擊與照護滿意度.中華民國急診醫學會醫誌.6(3)331-342[Peng, Y. C., Tsai, J. C. H., & Lin, E. C. L.* (2004). Patients' psychological impact and service satisfaction for SARS quarantine in emergency department. Journal of Taiwan Emergency Medicine, 6(3), 331-342.]
  69. 林靜蘭(2003).以病患需求為導向之精神病患出院準備服務概念.榮總護理,20(3)247-255[Lin, E. C. L. (2003). Need-led psychiatric discharge nursing care concept. VGH Nursing, 20(3), 247-255.]
  70. 林靜蘭*蔡欣玲 (2002).醫院為基礎之精神科居家照護成本分析.臺灣精神醫學,16(3)230-236[Lin, E. C. L.,* & Tsai, S. L. (2002). Cost analysis of hospital-based psychiatric home care service. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 16(3), 230-236.]
  71. 林靜蘭(2002).與蕾絲邊相遇-運用Watson關懷照護因素於一位患有精神分裂症之女同性戀者.護理雜誌,49(4)97-102[Lin, E. C. L. (2002). Met with the lesbian: Applying Watson's carative factors to a lesbian with schizophrenia . The Journal of Nursing, 49(4), 97-102.]
  72. Lin, E. C. L., * Yin, T. J. C., Kuo, B. I. T., Chang, W. Y., & Tsai, S. L. (2001) A comparison of effectiveness and cost between two models of care for individuals with schizophrenia living in Taiwan. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 15(6), 272-278. (SCI 2017 69/118=58.47% in Nursing ; SSCI 2017 Ranking:66/115=57.39% in Nursing ; IF: 1.133; cited: 10)
  73. 洪昭安、林靜蘭*、蕭淑貞(2000).支持性團體於社區慢性精神分裂患者的應用.榮總護理,17(1)33-40[Hung, C. A., Lin, E. C. L., * & Shiau, S. J. (2000). Application of supportive group in community-dwelling chronic schizophrenic patients. VGH Nursing, 17(1), 33-40.]
  74. 林靜蘭*、蔣立琦(1997).治療性遊戲的臨床應用-協助一位學齡兒童學習自我清潔間歇性導尿.護理雜誌,44(6)59-64[Lin, E. C. L.* & Chiang, L. C. (1997). Clinical application of therapeutic play: Helping a school-age child to learn self-clean-intermittent-catheterization. The Journal of Nursing, 44(6), 59-64.]


  1. Lin, E. C. L., Chou, E. -H., & Gao, R. -Y. (June 2023). Adolescent’s mental health under COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan. Poster session presented at 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Copenhagen, June 29- July 1, 2023.

  2. Pan, A.N. & Lin, E. C. L. (June 2023). Youths with non-suicidal self-injury narratives of the patients and healthcare professionals in acute ward. Poster session presented at 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Copenhagen, June 29- July 1, 2023.

  3. Gao, R. -Y. & Lin, E. C. L., Chiou, M. -S. (June 2023). The effect of integrating the Experts by Experience and Psychological First Aid into a general course upon undergraduates’ mental health literacy. Poster session presented at 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Copenhagen, June 29- July 1, 2023.

  4. Chiou, M. -S., Gao, R. -Y. & Lin, E. C. L., (June 2023). A feasibility study of online psychological first aid for adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic. Poster session presented at 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Copenhagen, June 29- July 1, 2023.

  5. Lin, E. C. L., Chen, R. R., Syu, J.-Y., & Chen, J. C.-T. (March 2023). Effects of undergraduates’ chronotypes and perceived stress on their sleep quality: A cross-sectional study. European Psychiatry, 66, Special Issue S1, S767-

  6. Cheng, F.-H., Lin, Y.-H., & Lin, E. C. L. (March 2023). Using gamification of smart healthcare among individuals with bipolar disorder. European Psychiatry, 66, Special Issue S1, S205

  7. Lin, Y.-H., Cheng, F.-H., & Lin, E. C. L. (March 2023). Providing incentives on a smartphone-based mood relapse warning application among patients with bipolar disorder European Psychiatry, 66, Special Issue S1, S295

  8. Gao, R. -Y., Lin, E. C. L., Chiou, M. -S., & Tu, J. -L. (October 2022).Adolescents’ mental health literacy and psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Poster session presented at the 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (7th WANS) , Taiwan, October 18-19, 2022.

  9. Cheng, F. -H., & Lin, E. C. L. (October 2022). A survey of adolescents' benevolent childhood experiences in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (7th WANS) , Taiwan, October 18-19, 2022.

  10. Chiou, M. -S., Lin, E. C. L., Gao, R. -Y., & Tu, J. -L. (October 2022). Developing an online mental health intervention for adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study. Poster session presented at the 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (7th WANS), Taiwan, October 18-19, 2022

  11. Lin, Y. -H., & Lin, E. C. L. (October 2022). The association between adverse childhood experiences and depression in adolescent. Concurrent session orally presented at the 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (7th WANS) , Taiwan, October 18-19, 2022.

  12. Lin, A. A. & Lin, E. C. L. (June 2022).Developing a multi-incentive mechanism with virtual currency and gamifications to increase patients’ adherence to using a smartphone application for self-management in bipolar disorder. Poster session presented at the International Society For Bipolar Disorders, Online June 10-12 2022.

  13. Pan, A.N. & Lin, E. C. L. (June 2022).The effects of using a smartphone application ‘early self-management’ among patients with bipolar disorder. Poster session presented at the International Society For Bipolar Disorders, Online June 10-12 2022.
  14. Pan, A.N. & Lin, E. C. L. (June 2022).Healthcare professionals’ encountering experience of the youths with non-suicidal self-injury in acute psychiatric ward. E-Poster session presented at 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Europe, June 4-7 2022.
  15. Gao, R. -Y. & Lin, E. C. L. (June 2022).The undergraduate nursing students’ encountering experience with recovery patients as educators. E-Poster session presented at 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Europe, June 4-7 2022.
  16. Lin, E. C. L.. & Chiou, M-S. (June 2022). Experience of using a smartphone mood relapse warning application among patients with bipolar disorders: A Qualitative Inquiry. E-Poster session presented at 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Europe, June 4-7 2022.
  17. Gao, R. -Y. & Lin, E. C. L. (April 2022).The effects of "recovery patients as educators" course on mental health literacy, attitude, and social distance among undergraduate nursing students. Concurrent session orally presented at East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference 2022, Online April 21-22, 2022.
  18. Tu, J. -L. & Lin, E. C. L. (April 2022). The effects of using a smartphone mood relapse warning application on emergency department visits and hospitalizations among individuals with bipolar disorder. Concurrent session orally presented at East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference 2022, Online April 21-22, 2022.
  19. Lin, E. C. L. (Nov 2021). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Benevolent Childhood Experiences scale (BCEs) in Indonesian adolescents. Concurrent session orally presented at the International Council of Nursing Congress 2021, Online Nov 2-4, 2021.
  20. Lin, E. C. L.(Nov 2021). A psychometric evaluation of the Taiwan version of the quality in psychiatric care instrument. Concurrent session orally presented at the International Council of Nursing Congress 2021, Online Nov 2-4, 2021.
  21. Lin, E. C. L.(Jun 2020). Stigma towards nurse during COVID-19 pandemic and how to deal with it. 1st International Learning Experience: Sharpened intercultural understanding to become active and informed global citizens. Concurrent session orally presented at the International Online Congress, Jun 24, 2020.
  22. Lin, E. C. L. (Nov 2018). Stigma related issues in chronic mental illness. Symposium session presented at National Psychiatric Nursing Congress, Beldibi-Antalya, Turkey. November 20-23, 2018.
  23. Lin, E. C. L. (Jun 2018). Are inflammatory cytokines associated with mood symptoms among patients with bipolar disorders? Symposium session presented at the International Conference on Cancer Therapy and Oncology & International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders, Osaka, Japan. June 21-22, 2018.
  24. Lin, E. C. L. (May 2018). Improving Quality of care through nursing research: A nurse-led psycho-educational program "Balancing My Swing" improves medication adherence among Taiwanese Han-Chinese with bipolar II disorder. Symposium session presented at the 6th Padjadjaran International Nursing Conference "The Role of Nursing in advancing quality of care through application of conceptual models in areas of nursing practices and health" El Royale Hotel Bandung - Wast Java, Indonesia, 23-24 May 2018.
  25. Lin, E. C. L., Pan, A.N., Chen, H. C., Kao, C.Y., Hsu, H.C., Chen, P.S. (Nov 2017). Associations between Subjective / Objective Sleep and Mood Symptoms of Inpatients with Bipolar Disorder. Symposium session presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Tainan, Taiwan. November 5, 2017.
  26. Lin, E. C. L., Lu, R. B. (Jun 2017). Associations between Attitude towards Treatment and Recovery process in Han Chinese patients with Heroin-Dependence and Receiving Methadone Treatment. Symposium session presented at the 5th Asia-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research (2017 5th APSAAR-TSAS), Taipei, Taiwan. May 31 – June 3,2017.
  27. Lin, E. C. L., Ko, N. Y., Li, M. F. (May 2017). Are currently available wearable devices for sleep monitoring accurate and precise?. Poster session presented at The 19th Annual Conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Washington DC, USA. May 4-7, 2017.
  28. Lin, E. C.L., & Lin, Z. C. (May 2017). A correlational study of mental health literacy and attitude toward mental illness and treatments among nurses in southern Taiwan. Poster session presented at The 19th Annual Conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Washington DC, USA. May 4-7, 2017.
  29. Lin, E. C. L., Pan, A., & Chen, H. C. (May 2017). The associations between subjective and objective sleep and mood symptoms of inpatients with bipolar disorder. Poster session presented at The 19th Annual Conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Washington DC, USA. May 4-7, 2017.
  30. Lin, E. C. L. *, Lee, S. K., Shao, W. C., Chang, Y. F. (Jul 2016). Relationship between Illness Perceptions and Stigma in Patients with Schizophrenia in Community. Paper session orally presented at Sigma Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. July 21-25, 2016.
  31. Lin, E. C. L. *, Kuo, Y. P., Syu, Y.Y., Wang, Y. H., Tsai, H. C. (Jul 2016). First Encountering With Nursing Practice: Undergraduate Students' Fundamental Nursing Practicum in ICU. Poster session presented at Sigma Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. July 21-25, 2016.
  32. Kuo, Y. P., Tsai, H. C., Lin, E. C. L.,* Syu. Y. Y., & Wang, Y. H. (Jan 2016). Impact and transformation: Experience of undergraduate students’ fundamental nursing practicum in ICU. Concurrent session orally presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016.
  33. Herlianita, R., Lee, M. F., Chen, C. H., Yen, M. F., & Lin, E. C. L.* (Jan 2016). Perception of spirituality and spiritual care among Muslim nurses in Indonesia. Poster session presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016.
  34. Lee, M. F., Chang, Y. F., Lee, S. K., & Lin, E. C. L.* (Jan 2016). Psychometric testing of an illness perceptions questionnaires-revised version among patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016.
  35. Lee, M. F., Lin, E. C. L.* (Jan 2016). Effectiveness of using auditory-hallucination simulation to anti-stigma among the mental ill: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Poster session presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016. (Best Poster Award)
  36. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chen, C. H., Yen, M. F. (Jan 2016). Curriculum reform to prepare students to be registered nurses. Symposium session orally presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016.
  37. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chang, S. C. (Jan 2016). Role function and scope of practice of nurse practitioner in Taiwan: Instrument development. Concurrent session orally presented at the 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (2016 ACiNE), Tainan, Taiwan. January 26-29, 2016.
  38. Lin, E. C. L. (Nov 2015). A pilot study of the balancing my swing model for the Han Chinese with Bipolar II disorder living in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the WPA International Congress, Taipei, Taiwan. November 18-22, 2015.
  39. 林靜蘭 (20158.國人雙極症心理社會治療模式之發展與成效評值.第卅一次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流.台灣護理學會主辦:台南國立成功大學。
  40. 許倍甄林靜蘭(20158). 青年期第一型雙相症患者疾病經驗之探究-前驅研究(Exploring the Illness Experience of Young Adults with Bipolar I Disorder-A pilot study)。第卅一次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流。台灣護理學會主辦:國立成功大學。
  41. 郭鈺屏、李明峰、林靜蘭(20158). 幻聽模擬對於改善護生精神疾病態度之成效(The Effectiveness of Auditory Hallucination Simulation on Nurse Students’ Attitude toward Mental Illness)。第卅一次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流。台灣護理學會主辦:國立成功大學。
  42. Lin, E. C. L. *, Chen, H. C., Li, W. C. (Aug 2015). Psychometric testing of a medication adherence scale for mentally ill outpatients living in the community. Paper session orally presented at the 31st Annual Nursing Research Conference 2015, Tainan, Taiwan. August 28, 2015.
  43. Lin, E. C. L. (Jul 2015). Prevalence, gender differences, and risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Han-Chinese with schizophrenia taking second-generation antipsychotics in Taiwan. Keynote speech presented at the 3rd Euro Nursing & Medicare Summit, Valencia, Spain, July 27-29, 2015.
  44. Chen, H. C, Lin, E. C. L., * Chien, C. O, & Yeh, S. P. (2014). Effectiveness of illness management model for psychiatric patients in day care center in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the 22nd International Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services Conference, Barcelona, Spain, April 23-25, 2014.
  45. Hsu, P. C., & Lin, E. C. L. * (Sep 2014). A combined quantitative and qualitative study of the psychoeduation intervention “balancing my swing”. Paper session orally presented at the Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. Sep 12-14, 2014
  46. Lin, H.H., & Lin, E. C. L. * (Sep 2014). The Process analysis of the illness management model for patients with schizophrenia in the community. Poster session presented at the Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. 12.9.2014-14.9.2014
  47. Lin, E. C. L., * Yang, H.J., Shao, W. C., & Wu, P. C. (Oct 2012). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among institutionalized patients with schizophrenia taking atypical antipsychotics in Taiwan. Paper session orally presented at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. 17.10. 2012 - 21.10.2012
  48. Lin, E. C. L., * Kuo, Y. P., & Huang, T. W. (Oct 2012). Mental health literacy and attitude toward mental illness and treatments among adolescents in Taiwan. Paper session orally presented at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. 17.10.2012 - 21.10.2012
  49. Lin, E. C. L., * & Shao, W. C. (Oct 2012). Prediction of medication adherence for rehospitalization risk among discharged patients with schizophrenia: an innovative single-item examination. Poster session presented at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. 17.10.2012 - 21.10.2012
  50. 許倍甄、林靜蘭、郭鈺屏(2012,9月).民眾對於精神疾病及其治療的態度:評量工具之驗證.第廿八次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流.台灣護理學會主辦:高雄醫學大學。
  51. Lin, E. C. L. (Dec 2011). Effectiveness of using standardized patients as a teaching strategy in interpersonal skills for graduate advanced practice nurse students in Taiwan: a preliminary trial. Paper session orally presented at the Holistic approaches in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2011, Hong Kong, China.
  52. LinE. C. L. (2010, September). Expansion and evolution of the nurse practitioner role beyond regulations: Contextual interpretation using an ethnographic study. Paper session orally presented at the 6th INP/APN international conference, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 8-11, 2010.
  53. Chen, S. L., Lin, E. C. L.,* & Chao, S. Y. (2010, September). Developing an innovative collaborative masters program: the Taiwan perspective. Paper session orally presented at the 6th INP/APN international conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  54. 黃雅琳、張調印、邵文娟、林靜蘭*.(2010,9月).精神病患遵囑服藥行為評量工具之發展.第廿六次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流.台灣護理學會主辦:台中中國醫藥大學。【通訊作者】
  55. Lin, E. C. L. (2009, March). A prospective study of medication adherence among the individuals with schizophrenia. Paper session orally presented at the 12th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Tokyo, Japan.
  56. Lin, E. C. L. (2009, March). Development of the multiple-family group intervention in schizophrenia. Paper session orally presented at the 12th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Tokyo, Japan.
  57. Lin, E. C. L. (2007, August). The efficacy of a manualized illness management model for outpatients with schizophrenia in Taiwan. Paper session orally presented at the 29th World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Hong Kong, China.
  58. Lin, E. C. L.,* Chao, Y. Y. M., Chang, M., & Wen, W. C. (2005, November). Policy analysis of community psychiatric care in Taiwan. Paper session presented at the Taiwanese Psychiatric Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  59. Lin, E. C. L. (2005). Construction and evaluation of a grass-rooted care model for schizophrenia: from hospital to community. Poster presented at the Hung Kuang University Academic Research Conference, Shalu, Taiwan.
  60. Lin, E. C. L.,* & Hsiung, D. Y. (2005). Effectiveness of the social skill training in chronic schizophrenic patients. Paper presented at the Academic Research Conference of Department of Nursing in Hung Kuang University, Shalu, Taiwan.
  61. Lin, E. C. L. (2004/7). Fighting against the barriers of returning to community: Perspectives from the mentally ill patients, their parents, and professionals. Paper session presented at the 16th Nurses Christian Fellowship International Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 4-9, 2004.
  62. Lin, E. C. L. (2004). SARS quarantine experience of patients with fever in emergency department in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 7th East Forum of Nursing Scholars Conference (EAFONS), Hong Kong, China.
  63. Lin, E. C. L., Shaiu, S-J. (2003/2). “Neglected victims: An epidemiological study of medical comorbidity in institutionalized chronic mentally ill Patients in Taiwan”. Paper session presented at the World Federation for Mental Health Biennial Congress 2003(27th WFMH), Melbourne, Australia.
  64. Lin, E. C. L., * & Shaiu, S. J. (2003). The impact of parental psychopathology on their children and families. Poster presented at the 27th World Federation for Mental Health Biennial Congress 2003 (WFMH), Melbourne, Australia.
  65. Shaiu, S. J., Lin, E. C.L., * Huang, J. Y., & Ho, H. H. (2002). The deprivation and survival of children living with the parent having psychosis. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference(QHR 2002), Toronto, Canada.
  66. 林靜蘭、蔡欣玲、尹祚芊、郭英調(2001/11).兩種精神醫療照護模式之之成本效果分析.中華民國護理學會第十八次研究論文發表會,口頭發表論文。Lin, E. C. L.,* Yin, T. J. C., Kuo, B. I. T. & Tsai, S. L. (2001). Cost-effectiveness Analysis of the Two Psychiatric Care Models in Schizophrenia. Paper presented at the 2001 Health and Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  67. 林靜蘭、蔡欣玲、尹祚芊、郭英調(2001/11).精神科居家照護服務之成本分析.2001健康與管理學術研討會。
  68. 林靜蘭、蔡欣玲、尹祚芊、郭英調(2001/10).Cost-effectiveness analysis of two care models for individuals with schizophrenia.2001年國際醫學資訊研討會暨醫療資訊展,動態式電子壁報論文全文展示。
  69. Lin, E. C. L., * Song, T. P., Huang, Y. F., Tsui, T. L., Yang, S. J., Chang, S. L., Chen, C. Y., & Li, C. D. (1997). A preliminary study of the living group in a chronic psychiatric ward. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Group Psychotherapy, Taipei, Taiwan.
  70. Yang, S. Y., Lin, E. C. L.,* Song, T. P., Lin, W. H., Ma, C. L., Li, C. D. (1997). Experience of medication education and training group on patients with the mental illness in a self-help ward. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Group Psychotherapy, Taipei, Taiwan.



  1. 林靜蘭(2022).精神衛生長期照護.於蔡芸芳總校閱,精神衛生護理學(7~3~7~18,9~4~9~10,10~3~10~15頁). 台北市:華格那書局。
  2. 林靜蘭(2020).焦慮疾患病患之護理.最新精神科護理學(十版,10-3~10-26頁).臺北市:永大。
  3. 林靜蘭(2018).社區精神衛生護理.新編精神科護理學(四版,23-3~23-9頁).臺中市:華格那。
  4. 林靜蘭(2018).治療性人際關係與溝通.於陳月枝總校閱, 當代護理學導論(三版 P.295~P.318).台北市:華杏書局。
  5. 林靜蘭 2016).社區精神衛生護理。於顏文娟總校閱新編精神科護理學(第三版 22-3~22-9)臺中市:華格那。
  6. 林靜蘭 2015).焦慮疾患病患之護理。於黃宣宜總校訂最新精神科護理學(第九版 10-3~10-26)臺北市:永大。
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