


1.Please discuss the practicum plan with advisor add check with nursing internship units in advance.


2. 2個月前至護理部網頁提出報備申請列印報備單,報備單請護理長核章。

1(1)護理部人員報備路徑:護理部內網→護生實習專區→研究所實習報備     (2)本部人員報備路徑 https://nd.hosp.ncku.edu.tw/C_graduate_3.asp

2. Please submit NCKUH Nursing Department "internship recordation" online (https://nd.hosp.ncku.edu.tw/C_graduate_3.asp  ) 2 months before the internship, print "internship recordation" then bring it to each internship unit. The supervisors of each internship unit will confirm it and give you approval. Please deliver this document to Ms. HSU, KUEI CHUAN (許桂娟小姐), who is the undertaker of the business in the NCKUH nursing department, at least 2 months prior to the start of internship. (Office location4th floor of nursing department in the outpatient building. Office extension number2027).

3. 1.5個月前,請至護理學系網下載並列印附件23



3. Email Practicum Plan (word file) and Practicum information (excel file) to Hsiao-Yu Chen, 10402029@gs.ncku.edu.tw 1.5 months before practicum. Also need to print the attachment 23.
Please wait 7 days for the approval from NCKUH nursing department and education center. The registration form will be email to you, please print registration form then bring it to each internship unit. The supervisors of each internship unit will confirm it and give you approval.

4. 待
系辦通知學員至學籍系統https://trs.hosp.ncku.edu.tw/chhtml/ 登錄基本資料,後列印報到單(實習當天需跑流程)
4. The registration will announce you to enter the system
https://trs.hosp.ncku.edu.tw/chhtml/ to fill in your information, then print the paper which you need to do the process of the first day of Internship.
**Attachment 4 can teach you how to use the system. **


5. 實習需提供三個月內體檢表,請參考附件3內容。

5. Please arrange health examination and take the health examination, you can take the attachment 3 to NCKU Hospital to do the health examination.


6. 實習當天,請依照報到單內之報到順序準備所需文件,依序辦理報到流程並領取學員證。(學籍系統流程可參考附件4)
6.On the day of the internship, please prepare the required documents according to the order of registration in the registration form, go through the registration process in order and receive the student ID card..
**Attachment 4 can teach you how to get the stamp of the process.**


7. Please print the leave form at the last day of practicum, ask the supervisors of internship unit confirm it and give you approval, then hand to NCKUH education center and return internship ID card.

**Attachment 4 (final page)can teach you how to finish the leave form.**


★校外Other Hospital practicum

1.校外實習1.5個月前繳交實習計畫書通知須系辦承辦人-王星捷hsinje@gmail.com(本地碩生)、許郁晨11109092@gs.ncku.edu.tw(專科護理師) 發送函文及簽署實習合約。學生須自行詢問合約內容及負擔實習費用。*校外實習費說明:由學系整體規劃的實習,則由學系支付實習費,若學生自尋校外醫院實習,則須由學生自付實習費用。

1. Other Hospital practicum please email practicum to hsinje@gmail.com11109092@gs.ncku.edu.tw 1.5 months before practicum to inform the internship hospital in formal. Student needs to pay the fee by themselves.
