Lee, Chia-Kuei Honors and Awards
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Lee, Chia-Kuei Honors and Awards

  1. 醫學院2019年新人最佳論文—臨床醫學組 (2021.04)
  2. 國立成功大學醫學院109學年度教學創新與教學成果發表創新團體組第三名 (2021.04)
  3. 109學年度護理學系遴選優良教師 (2021.04)
  4. 國立成功大學醫學院107學年度教學創新與教學成果發表成果團體組第二名 (2019.04)
  5. 臺南市社會優秀青年 (2019.03)
  6. Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Award. Funded by Heilbrunn Family Center for Research Nursing at Rockefeller University (2015.06)
  7. Virginia M. Ohlson International Studies Endowed Scholarship Award. Funded by UIC College of Nursing (2013.04)              
  8. Chieko Onoda International Students Scholarship Award. Funded by UIC College of Nursing (2012.04)
  9. Inducted, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Alpha Lambda Chapter (2011.10)
  10. The Graduate Student Presenter Award. Funded by UIC Graduate College (2011.06)
  11. Virginia M. Ohlson International Studies Endowed Scholarship Award. Funded by UIC College of Nursing (2011.04)
  12. Chieko Onoda International Students Scholarship Award. Funded by UIC College of Nursing (2010.04)
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