


NCKU Directions for Academic Excellence Awards

Approved by the Student Affairs Council in the spring semester of the 1999-2000 academic year on May.26, 2000
Revised and approved by the Student Affairs Council in the fall semester of the 2001-2002 academic year on Dec.25, 2001
88.09.08 第四七三次主管會報修訂通過
Revised and approved by the 473rdmeeting of the Chief Administrators on Sep. 8, 1999
Revised and approved by the Student Affairs Council in the fall semester of the 2002-2003 academic year on Dec. 27, 2002
100年12月23日 一00 學年度第一學期學生事務會議修正通過
Revised and approved by the Student Affairs Council in the fall semester of the 2011-2012 academic year on Dec.23, 2011
Revised and approved by the 719th meeting of the Chief Administrators on Jan.11, 2012
Revised and approved by the 774th meeting of the Chief Administrators on Dec.24, 2014
Revised and approved by the 815th meeting of the Chief Administrators on April 17, 2019
Revised and approved by the Endowment Fund Management Committee on June 4, 2019



1. National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has established its academic excellence awards and the NCKU Directions for Academic Excellence Awards (hereinafter the Directions) to promote its educational quality and academic ambience in order for students to cultivate their spiritual aspirations to pursue academic excellence.


2.  The academic excellence awards specified in the Directions are presented to undergraduate students based on their academic excellence for each academic year ranked by the Office of Academic Affairs.




(三)學期平均成績排名在該班級人數前5%者(採四捨五入計算; 每班至少1名;每班至少1名為原則),核給獎勵。如有未符合前款規定者,缺額不予遞補。

3. Award Evaluation Criteria:

  (1) Graduating students and drop-outs in the current semester shall be excluded from the evaluation for the award.

  (2) Students who have completed all courses with passing grades and who have not been disciplined for any violations in the academic year are eligible applicants.

  (3) Students who are ranked among the top five percent of the class by GPA (round to the nearest integer; a minimum of one student in each class) shall be awarded. If any of them fails to comply with the preceding rule (2), the recipient position for the award shall be left vacant.




4. Eligible recipients of each class in each department shall be awarded as follows:

  (1) A certificate of award

  (2) NT$3,000


5. The Academic Excellence Awards established in these Directions shall be presented to recipients in a ceremony officiated at by every college.


6. Any recipients of the Academic Excellence Awards are allowed to apply for other scholarships.


7.  These Directions shall be approved by the Chief Administrators before taking effect. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.


107學年度適用舊要點學年核發。 新修訂要點自108學年度第一學期起實施。

The awards for the 2018 academic year shall be presented to recipients according to the Directions revised and approved in 2014. The Directions revised and approved in 2019 shall take effect from the fall semester of the 2019 academic year.



These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.


