


  1. Hu, F. W., Yeh, C. Y., Huang, C. C., Cheng, H. C., Lin, C. H., Chang, C. M. (2022). A novel intervention to reduce noninfectious and infectious complications associated with indwelling urethral catheters in hospitalized older patients: A quasi-experimental study. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 426.
  2. Lai, C. H., Li, K. W., Hu, F. W., Su, P. F., Hsu, I. L., Huang, M. H., Huang, Y. T., Liu, P. Y., Shen, M. R. (2022). Integration of an ICU visualization dashboard (i-Dashboard) as a platform to facilitate multidisciplinary rounds: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 24(5), e35981.
  3. Hu, F. W., Chen, C. H., Yueh, F. R., Lo, Y. T., & Lin, C. Y. (2022). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Physical Resilience Instrument for Older Adults (PRIFOR). BMC Geriatrics, 22, 229.
  4. Lin, M. H., Wang, K. Y., Chen, C. H., Hu, F. W.* (2022). Factors associated with 14-day hospital readmission in frail older patients: A case-control study. Geriatric Nursing (New York, N.Y.), 43, 146–150. 
  5. Hu, F. W., Lin, C. H., Lai, P. H., & Lin, C. Y. (2021). Predictive validity of the Physical Resilience Instrument for Older Adults (PRIFOR). J Nutr Health Aging 25, 1042-1045
  6. Lo, Y.T., Chang, C.M, Chen, M.H., Hu, F. W., & Lu, F.W.(2021). Factors associated with early 14-day unplanned hospital readmission: a matched case-control study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 870.
  7. Chen, Y. S., Lee, H. F., Tsai, C. H., Hsu, Y. Y., Fang, C. J., Chen, C. J., Hung, Y. H., Hu, F. W.(2021).Effect of Vitamin B2 Supplementation on Migraine Prophylaxis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Nutritional Neuroscience,1-12. 
  8. Li, Y. P., Lin, C. Y.,  Hu, F. W.,& Shih, S. A. (2021). Short versions of the geriatric depression scale (GDS) among widowed older people in Taiwan: Comparing their psychometric properties. Australasian Jaournl on Ageing, Australasian Journal on Ageing, 40(4), e294-e300.
  9. Hu, F. W.*, Lee, H. F., Li, Y. P. (2021). Exploration of geriatric care competencies for RNs in hospitals. Journal of Nursing Research. 29(4). e159.
  10. Hu, F. W., Huang, Y. T., Lin, H. S., Chen, C. H., Chen, M. J., & Chang, C. M. (2020). Effectiveness of a simplified reablement program to minimize functional decline in hospitalized older patients. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 20(5), 436-442.
  11. Hu, F. W*, Chang, C. M., Su, P. F., Chen, H. Y., & Chen, C. H. (2019). Gender differences in inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalized older patients. Journal of Women & Aging, 31(2), 165-175.
  12. Hu, F. W, Shih, H. I., Hsu, H. C., Chen, C. H., Chang, C. M. (2018). Dynamic Changes in the Appropriateness of Urinary Catheter Use among Hospitalized Older Patients in the Emergency Department. Plos One 13(3), e0193905.
  13. Hu, F. W., Shih, H. I., Hsu, H. C., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2017). Changing from appropriate to inappropriate urinary catheter use among hospitalized older patients. Innovation in Aging, 1(S1), 620.
  14. Hu, F. W., Tsai, C. H., Lin, H. S., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2017). Inappropriate Urinary Catheter Reinsertion in Hospitalized Older Patients. American Journal of Infection Control, 45(1), 8-12.
  15. Tang, H. J., Tang, H. Y., Hu, F. W., & Chen, C. H. (2017). Changes of geriatrics syndromes in older adults survived from intensive care unit. Geriatric Nursing , 38(3), 219-224.
  16. Hu, F. W., Tsai, C. H., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2016). Inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly patients. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 35(S4), S191- S192.
  17. Hu, F. W., Chang, C. M., Tsai, C. H., & Chen, C. H. (2015). Exploring initial inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalised older patients in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(11-12), 1656-1665.
  18. Hu, F. W., Yang, D. C., Huang, C, C., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2015). Inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly patients: Clinician awareness is key. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 15(12), 1235-1241.
  19. 鄭惟文、施欣怡、張家銘、許建清、黃建程、胡芳文*(2022).急診高齡者之高危險負向健康結果: 範域文獻回顧.台灣醫學雜誌 (已接受)。
  20. 盧映瑄、周美香、胡芳文*2022).高齡者靈性復原力之概念分析.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌 (已接受)
  21. 岳芳如、林奕璇、賴柏亘、胡芳文、張家銘 2022).高齡精準健康照護:Geri-FORCE個管系統.護理雜誌,69(2)13-18
  22. 岳芳如、胡芳文、謝佩倫 (2022).急性醫療機構護理人員自覺長期照護能力及其相關因素之探討.護理雜誌,69(2)67-79
  23. 游詠晨、張瑩如、胡芳文*(2022).台灣高齡個案管理師之角色職責與核心能力建構.護理雜誌,69(1)51-62
  24. 陳俐君、廖御圻、胡芳文*(2021).高齡者認知衰弱之概念分析.護理雜誌,68(5)92-99
  25. 岳芳如、胡芳文、林岱嬋、王雅麗、羅玉岱、黃基彰、楊登棋、林育德、周明岳、張家銘 (2021).培訓台灣高齡照護師之教育成效探討.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,17(2),127-148。
  26. 胡芳文、王英偉、李佳綺、岳芳如、羅玉岱、吳建遠、王麗娟、鍾遠芳、沈珊妤、陳宜君、黃基彰、林岱嬋、張家銘 2020).台灣醫院長者友善照護模式之發展與現況初探.醫療品質雜誌,14(6),80-83
  27. 岳芳如、胡芳文、陳宜君、羅玉岱、黃基彰、林岱嬋、蔡娟秀、張家銘、王英偉 (2020) .高齡照護核心課程:知識改善與照護信心調查.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,15(3),164-180
  28. 陳貞樺、林佳蓉、陳清惠、胡芳文*2020).影響住院高齡者返家後行走功能恢復因素之探討.護理雜誌,67(2),65-74
  29. 張慧文、胡芳文、岳芳如、張瑩如(2019).建置住院高齡病人譫妄實證照護指引.護理雜誌,66(3),72-82
  30. 葉俊吟、張家銘、胡芳文*2018).探討住院高齡者與其主要照顧者對使用留置尿管之感受.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,13(3),169-180
  31. 岳芳如、張瑩如、胡芳文2018).護理人員高齡照護能力培訓課程之成效探討.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,13(2),87-99
  32. 胡芳文、游詠晨、陳清惠、張家銘(2017).從美日經驗看台灣高齡進階護理師角色的發展.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,12(2),75-90
  33. 陳清惠、胡芳文 2015).建構台灣住院老人留置尿管的監控照護模式.福祉科技與服務管理學刊,3(1),69-78
  34. 葉俊吟、王芊仅、胡芳文2014).住院高齡者口腔健康與營養狀態之探討.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,9(3),68-83
  35. 黃楷雯、胡芳文、張家銘、陳清惠(2014).預防住院高齡者身體功能衰退之臨床運動方案.志為護理,13(5),66-75
  36. 標詩婷、胡芳文、張家銘、陳清惠(2013).高齡老人入院當時導尿管留置狀況之初探.護理暨健康照護研究,9(4),253-260
  37. 邱琪雯、胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘(2013).高齡患者出院後健康生活型態之探討.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,8(3),172-185
  38. 胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘(2013).以實證探討住院老人移除留置尿管處理方案.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,8(1),1-13
  39. 胡芳文、廖悅如、陳清惠(2011).運用非藥物措施處理慢性便秘之虎理經驗.長庚護理,22(4),556565


  1. Chang, C. M., Huang, C. C., Lo, Y. T., Hu, F. W., Yueh, F. R., Lai, P. S., Lin, D. C. & Chen, T. H. (2022, June).“FIND-NEEDS” questionnaire to screen geriatric conditions. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, IAGG 2022. Virtual Conference.
  2. Hu, F. W., Sun, C. Y., & Chang, C. M. (2022, April). Frailty and intrinsic capacity as predictors of recovery in older patients surgically treated for cancer: A longitudinal study. International Academy Nutrition & Aging, 12th annual ICFSR Conference. United states: Boston.
  3. Chang, C. M., Hu, F. W., Chang W. S., Kuo, L. C., Su, F. C., Yueh, F. R., & Lin, D. C. (2022, April). Application of AI Feedback Assistive Strengthening Ergometer (AIFASE) for preventing functional decline among hospitalized older adults. International Academy Nutrition & Aging, 12th annual ICFSR Conference. United states: Boston.
  4. Lin, C.C., Hsu, Y. C., Lien, J. J., Lin, Y. S., Kuo, L. C., Chang, C. M., Hu, F. W., Lin, C. T., Chen, Y. J., Su, F. C. (2021, December). An AloT based ergometer with heart rate prediction model to provied warning alerts for elder adults during exercise. The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on  Biomechanics. Virtual Conference
  5. Lin, C. C., Kuo, L.C., Chen, Y. J., Lin, Y. S., Chang, C. M., Hu, F. W., Su, F. C. (2021, December). An AIoT-based ergometer improved physical performance in nursing home residents. The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics. Japan: Kyoto. Virtual Conference.
  6. Hu, F. W., Yueh, F. R., &  Lin, C. Y. (2021, September). Physical resilience is associated with recovery from acute health stressors in frail older patients. International Academy Nutrition & Aging, 11th annual ICFSR Conference. Virtual Conference
  7. Lin, C. C., Lin, Y. S.,Kuo, L. C., Chang, C. M., Hu, F. W., & Su, F. C. (2020,December). An AIoT-based ergometer for physical training in frail elerly. Taiwan Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society, 2020 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology(i-CREATe 2020). Taiwan: Taipei
  8. Pan, J. H., & Hu, F. W. (2020, September). Development of protocol of early catheter removal in hospitalized TURP patient. Taiwan Nurses Association, 2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference. Taiwan: Taipei.
  9. Yueh, F. R., Pan, J. H., & Hu, F. W. (2020, September). Physical resilienceAn in-depth qualitative study exploring the perceptions of hospitalized older patients. Taiwan Nurses Association, 2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference. Taiwan: Taipei.
  10. Hu, F. W., Sun, C. Y., & Chang, C. M. (2019, October). Functional trajectory among elderly cancer patients before and after surgery: A  longitudinal study. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Taiwan:Taipei.
  11. Yueh, F. R., & Hu, F. W. (2019, October). A pilot study of the experiences of fear of falling in hospitalized older patients with hip fracture after surgery. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Taiwan: Taipei.
  12. Yu, Y. C., Yueh, F. R., Sun, W. N., Chang, K. L., & Hu, F. W. (2019, October). Intervention for improving physical function in frail hospitalized older patients: A systematic review. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Taiwan: Taipei.
  13. Yeh, C. Y., Pan, J. H., & Hu, F. W. (2019, October). Effect of modified urinary catheter bundle care to minimize the inappropriate use of urinary catheters in hospitalized older adults. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Taiwan: Taipei.
  14. Hu, F. W., Chen, I. Chun., & Yu, Y. C. (2019, August). The Design of Multimedia Games for Nursing Education: Take Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Example. Taiwan Nurses Association, AAPINA & TWNA Joint International Conference. Taiwan: Taichung.
  15. Yu, Y. C., Chang, Y. J., & Hu, F. W. (2019, August). Applying the Modified Delphi Technique to Develop the Role and Competencies of Geriatric Case Managers in Taiwan. Taiwan Nurses Association, AAPINA & TWNA Joint International Conference. Taiwan:Taichung.
  16. Chen, C. H., Hu, F. W., & Chen, C. H. (2019, June). Exploring the factors associated with recovery from ambulation disability in discharged older patients. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2019. Singapore: Marina Bay.
  17. Hu, F. W., Chen, I. Chun., & Yu, Y. C. (2019, June). Using the Modified Delphi Method to Develop Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Course for RNs in Hospitals. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2019. Singapore: Marina Bay.
  18. Yeh, C. Y., Pan, J. H., & Hu, F. W. (2019, June). Effect of modified urinary catheter bundle care to minimize the inappropriate use of urinary catheters in hospitalized older adults. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2019. Singapore: Marina Bay.
  19. Yueh, F. R., Hu, F. W., & Chang, Y. J. (2019, July). Prevalence of frailty and its associated factors in older patients after surgery. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2019. Singapore: Marina Bay.
  20. Chen, Y. W., Hu, F. W., Liu, B. C., Fan, S. Y., Chiu, G. L., & Lee, H. H. (2019, July). Effects of a multidimensional program on delaying frailty status in community-dwelling older adults. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2019. Singapore: Marina Bay.
  21. Chang, W. L., Chang, Y. J., & Hu, F. W. (2018, July). Factors Associated with Geriatric Care Competencies for RNs in Acute Care Setting. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 29th international nursing research congress. Melbourne: Australia.
  22. Yueh, F. R., Chang, Y. J., & Hu, F. W. (2018, July). Effects of Geriatric Training Program on RNs’ Geriatric Care Competencies in Hospitals. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 29th international nursing research congress. Melbourne: Australia.
  23. Pan, J. H., Yeh, C. Y., & Hu, F. W. (2018, July). Development of Protocol of Urinary Catheter Bundle Care in Hospitalized Elderly Using Modified Delphi Method. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 29th international nursing research congress. Melbourne: Australia.
  24. Yu, Y. C., Chang, Y. J., & Hu, F. W. (2018, July). Exploration of geriatric care competencies for RNs in hospitals. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 29th international nursing research congress. Melbourne: Australia.
  25. Chang, C. M., Hu, F. W., Tsai, C. H., & Chen, C. H. (2017, September). Indication change from appropriate to inappropriate use of urinary catheters between medical and surgical hospitalized elderly patients. The European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, EUGMS Congress 2017. France: Nice.
  26. Hu, F. W., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2017, Augest). Determinants of  functional recovery in older adults after discharged from hospital. Taiwan Nurses Association, 2nd APNRC. Taiwan: Taipei.
  27. Hu, F. W., Shih, H. I., Hsu, H. C., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2017, July). Changing from appropriate to inappropriate urinary catheter use among hospitalized older patients. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, IAGG 2017. United states: San Francisco.
  28. Yueh, F. R., & Hu, F. W. (2017, June). The Experiences of Fear of Falling in Hospitalized Older Patients with Hip Fracture after Surgery. Global Nursing Conference-2017, Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare. United states: Las Vegas.
  29. Wu, C. Chen., Kuo, H. M., Hu, F. W., Chen, C. H., & Chang, Y. J. (2017, May). The effect of a training program of teaching strategies on senior nurses’ teaching confidence. International Council of Nurses Congress, ICN 2017. Spain: Barcelona.
  30. Hu, F. W., Tsai, C. H., Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2016, September). Inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly patients. International Continence Society, ICS 2016. Japan: Tokyo.
  31. Yeh, C. Y., Tsai, C. H., Hu, F. W., Chang, C. M., & Chen, C. H. (2016, September). Experience of following the protocol of urinary catheter bundle care in hospitalized elderly patients - A qualitative study. International Continence Society, ICS 2016. Japan: Tokyo.
  32. Hu, F. W., Chang, C. M., & Chen, C. H. (2015, October). Re-insertion of urinary catheters in hospitalized elderly patients: A prospective cohort study. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 10th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Thailand: Chiang Mai.
  33. Yeh, C. Y., Hu, F. W., Chang, C. M., & Chen, C. H. (2015, October). The perceptions of use of urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly patients and their primary caregivers. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 10th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional congress. Thailand: Chiang Mai.
  34. Piao, S. T., Hu, F. W., & Chen, C. H. (2014, July). Risk factors and outcomes associated with initial use of inappropriate indwelling urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 25rd international nursing research congress. Hong Kong: China.
  35. Hu, F. W., Chiu, C. W., & Chen, C. H. (2012, July). Healthy lifestyle in elders after discharge. Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International, 23rd international nursing research congress. Brisbane: Australia.


  1. 陳慈慧, 張家銘, 羅玉岱, 黃基彰, 胡芳文, 沈珊妤(2021, 十一月) 高齡健康篩檢問卷FIND-NEEDS之專家效度建立.學術論文發表於社團法人台灣高齡照護暨教育協會第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會.高雄市:高雄榮民總醫院 (佳作)
  2. 林政翰*胡芳文、蔡欣欣、林彣諭、么佳琪、沈美均、周品欣、吳欣霓(2021,十一月)藥品回收耆心協力.學術論文發表於社團法人台灣高齡照護暨教育協會第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術演討會.高雄市:高雄榮民總醫院 (佳作)
  3. 張家銘、胡芳文、岳芳如、張巍勳、郭立杰、蘇芳慶、林摯鈞、林岱嬋(2021, 九月)應用智能回饋輔助強身器對於延緩住院老年病患功能衰退之成效初探.海報發表於台灣老年學暨老年醫學會主辦之第十四屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.台北市:台灣大學醫學院。
  4. 廖悅如、游詠晨、胡芳文、張家銘 (2021, 七月)高齡門診整合照護於延緩功能衰退及提升生活品質之成效.口頭發表於中臺科技大護理學院 2021 第十三屆學術研討會.台中市:中台科技大學。
  5. 胡芳文、李佳綺、岳芳如、羅玉岱、沈珊妤、陳宜君、黃基彰、林岱嬋、王英偉、張家銘 (2020, 十月). 台灣醫院長者友善照護模式之現況與困難.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第三屆第一次年會暨學術研討會. 台南市:成功大學醫學院。
  6. 岳芳如、張瑩如、胡芳文 (2018, 八月) 護理人員高齡照護能力訓練方案發展與成效評估.海報發表於台灣護理學會主辦之第34次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸學術交流.高雄市:高雄醫學大學。
  7. 胡芳文、張瑩如 (2018, 八月) 延緩社區高齡者衰弱實證應用方案之成效探討.口頭發表於台灣護理學會主辦之第34次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸學術交流.高雄市:高雄醫學大學。
  8. 陳宜君、胡芳文、張瑩如、游詠晨 (2018, 四月) 周全性老年評估遊戲化APP設計.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第三屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.高雄市:輔英科技大學。
  9. 葉俊吟、陳清惠、張家銘、胡芳文 (2018, 四月) 探討住院高齡者與主要照顧者對使用留置尿管之感受.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第三屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.高雄市:輔英科技大學。
  10. 張夢馨、張家銘、游詠晨、胡芳文、林峻宇、鄭修琦、施欣怡、楊登棋 (2017, 六月) 社區老人疑似疏忽照顧初探-以某醫學中心內科病房為例.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第二屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.台南市:成功大學醫學院。
  11. 胡芳文、岳芳如、張瑩如 (2017, 六月) 建立護理人員高齡照護能力訓練方案.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第二屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.台南市:成功大學醫學院。(佳作)
  12. 林政翰、李昭瑩、許玉珮、張伯昱、胡芳文 (2015, 十月) 老人EASY CALL.口頭發表於台灣高齡照護暨教育協會主辦之第一屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.高雄市:高雄榮民總醫院。(佳作)
  13. 胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘 (2015, 六月) 住院高齡病人不當重置尿管之探討.口頭發表於台灣老年學暨老年醫學會主辦之第十二屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.台北市:國立台灣大學。
  14. 葉俊吟、胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘 (2015, 六月) 醫護人員對住院高齡病人放置尿管決策之探討.海報發表於台灣老年學暨老年醫學會主辦之第十二屆第一次年會暨學術研討會.台北市:國立台灣大學。
