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Lee, Huan-Fang Publications


  1. 李歡芳周守民總校(2017)規畫與決策,於當代行政護理學(三版)台北:華杏。
  2. 李歡芳周守民總校(2012)規畫與決策,於當代行政護理學(二版)台北:華杏。
  3. 李歡芳周守民總校(2008)規畫與決策,於當代行政護理學台北:華杏。


  1. Huan-Fang Lee, Hui-Ying Chiang & HuiTing Kuo. (2019/01). Relationship between authentic leadership and nurses’ intent to leave: The mediating role of work environment and burnout. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(1), 1–14.
  2. Chen-Ju Chen , Huan-Fang Lee*, Yu-Chiung Fang and Ai-Wen Kao (2018/08). Improving Nurse Skill of Medication Administration via Enteral Feeding Tube. Nursing & Primary Care, 2(5), 1-5. (Corresponding author)
  3. Huan-Fang Lee, Yu Chang, Tsair-Wei Chien (2017/12). Using google maps to show the pattern of international author collaboration: A study based on nurse burnout articles. JOJ Nurse Health Care, 5(4), 555670. DOI: 10.19080/JOJNHC.2017.05.555670
  4. Hui-Ying Chiang, Ya-Chu Hsiao, Huan-Fang Lee. (2017/10). Predictors of hospital nurses' safety practices: work environment, workload, job satisfaction and error reporting. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 32(4), 359-368. (SSCI: IF 1.117; R/C= 59/114NURSING)
  5. 陳貞如、李歡芳(2017/06)預測胃腸肝膽科病人發生壓瘡之危險因子榮總護理,34(2)130-141(通訊作者)
  6. Huan-Fang Lee, Hui-Ting Kuo , Cheng-Li Chang , Chia-Chen Hsu , Tsair-Wei Chien. (2017/02). Determining cutting points of the Mmaslach burnout inventory for nurses to measure their level of burnout online. History Research, 5(1), 1-8.
  7. Li-Chiu Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Miaofen Yen. (2017/02). Establishing a measurement tool for a nursing work environment in Taiwan. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 31(1), 75-88. (SSCI: IF 0.43; R/C= 107/114NURSING)
  8. Huan-Fang Lee, Miaofen Yen. (2017/01). Nurse burnout in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing and Women’s Healthcare, 2, 1-5.
  9. Huan-Fang Lee, Chia-Chi Kuo, Tsair-Wei Chien, & Yu-Rung Wang. (2016/08). A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Coping Strategies on Reducing Nurse Burnout. Applied Nursing Research, 31, 100-110. (SSCI: IF 1.043; R/C= 57/114NURSING )
  10. 李歡芳、江惠英(2015/09)組合式照護概念源遠護理,9(3)14-19
  11. Huan-Fang Lee, Miaofen Yen, Susan Fetzer, & Tsair-Wei Chien. (2015/08). Predictors of burnout among nurses in Taiwan. Community Mental Health Journal, 51(1), 733-737. (SCI: IF 0.979; R/C= 58/74HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES)
  12. Huan-Fang Lee, Tsair-Wei Chien, Miaofen Yen. (2013/05). Examining factor structure of Maslach burnout inventory among nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(4), 648-656. ( SCI/IF 1.721; R/C=16/114URSING )
  13. Kao-Chang Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Jinn-Rung Kuo, Jhi-Joung Wang. (2012/05).Memory impairments and memory complaints in the elderly exposed to neurotoxin in Taiwan. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Institutional Repository, 37(1), 77-88
  14. Su-Chen Hsu, Huan-Fang Lee, Tsair-Wei Chien. (2011/12). Are patient falls in the hospital associated with days of the week and hours of the day? A retrospective observational study using Rasch modeling. HealthMED, 5(6), 1395-1403. (SCI: IF 0.435; R/C= 117/155MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
  15. Hui-Ying Chiang, Ya-Chu Hsiao, Shu-Yuan Lin and Huan-Fang Lee (2011/06). Incident reporting culture: scale development with validation and reliability and assessment of hospital nurses in Taiwan. The International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(3), 1-8. (SCI: IF 1.958; R/C=23/87HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES)
  16. Jinn-Rung Kuo, Che-Chuan Wang, Huan-Fang Lee, Chung-Ching, Chio, Kao-Chang, Lin. (2010/08). Hematoma Density and Glasgow Coma Scale Are Independent Predictors to Outcomes in Unilateral Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Journal of Taiwan Critical Care Medicine,11(2), 90-97
  17. Huan-Fang Lee, Lin, S.C., Lu, C.L., Chen, C.F., Y, M. (2010/06). Revised Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score as a predictor of neurosurgery intensive care unit readmission: a case-controlled study. Journal of Critical Care, 25, 294-299( SCI:IF 2.445; R/C=18/33CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE)
  18. 徐雅婷、李歡芳(2009/04)運用治療性遊戲於ㄧ位學齡前期幼童之住院經驗-病例報告南台灣醫學雜誌,542-49(*通訊作者)
  19. 李歡芳(2008/08)別讓您的權益睡著了談護理人員勞動安全關懷全聯會護訊,4613-15
  20. Huan-Fang Lee, Chiang, H. Y., & Chi , W. Y. (2006/08). Experience of application of music in the care of intracranial haemorrhage. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 2(6), 290-294.
  21. 紀婉玉、李歡芳 (2006/06)以音樂控制顱內出血病患血壓及疼痛-病例報告南台灣醫學雜誌,1(1)57-61(*通訊作者)
  22. 李歡芳(2003/08)老人自尊與懷舊療法護理雜誌,50(40)98-102
  23. 李歡芳(2003/09)一位出院後自我導尿計畫於脊髓脊髓膜膨出尿失禁青少年之護理經驗慈濟護理雜誌,2(3)106-112
  24. 李歡芳、林麗嬋(2002/08)噴霧式嗎啡減緩呼吸困難之文獻探討安寧療護,7(3)224-233




  1. Li-Chiu Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Yu-Rung Wang, Nai-Ying Liu. Exploring the Predictors of Renal Function among Adolescents: Analysis of Database between 2011 and 2017. STTI, 2018.07.
  2. Chen-Ju Chen, Huan-Fang Lee, Yu-Chiung Fang. Effects of late-evening snacking to improve liver function in liver cirrhosis patients: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. ISEPSS, 2018.09
  3. Yu-Chiung Fang, Jen-Ru Chen, Huan-Fang Lee. Predicting the risk factors of pressure ulcer for patients in a gastroenterology and Hepatology ward. ISEPSS, 2018.09
  4. Huan-Fang Lee. Using Google Maps to Show the Pattern of International AuthorCollaboration: A Study Based on Nurse Burnout Articles. ISEPSS, 2018.09


  1. Wen Hsi Chiu, Huan-Fang Lee, ShuFang Wang, Naiying Ko. Political engagement of nurse leaders in Taiwan. ICN, 2017.05
  2. Huan-Fang Lee, Hui-Ying Chiang, Hui-Ting Kuo. Relationship between authentic leadership and nurses’ intent-to-leave: the mediating role of work environment and burnout. Las Vegas, US. Nursing Conference, 2017.06
  3. Hui-Ting Kuo, Chia-Chen Hsu, Huan-Fang Lee. The Predictors of Intention to Stay Among Nurses. Las Vegas, US. Nursing Conference, 2017.06


  1. 李歡芳、顏妙芬The Effect of Coping Strategies for Improving Nurse Burnout: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, ICEEP, 2015.02.  台灣實證醫學會2016學術年會, 2016.08


  1. 李歡芳Predictors of burnout among nurse in Taiwan, APNRC, 2014,09.


  1. 陳玉雪、鄭淑華、吳佩勳、張明娟、李歡芳初探外科加護病房術後病人疼痛緩解之成效-運用NVPS海報發表於2013北京首都第二屆國際護理學大會,中國大陸:北京省,2013,10.
  2. Lee, Huan-Fang, “medical incident events of a medical center in taiwan- a retrospective data analysis”, 2nd Conference of International Society for EBHC, Italy, 2013,10.


  1. Lee, Huan-Fang, "Caring experience of using discharge planning of intermittent catheterization for a urinary incontinence adolescent with myelomeningocele", The International Council of Nurses: 23rd Quadrennial Congress, 台灣, 2012,05.
  2. 陳雅玲,郭惠婷,李歡芳*, "The study on the related factors of unplanned endotracheal tube extubation at an intensive care unit of a medical center in southern Taiwan", 15th EAFONS, 新加坡, 2012,02.
  3. 楊濘綺,陳靜宜,秦菀憶,李歡芳*, "The study on the effect of decreasing patient’s oral mucus damage rate in a medical center of southern Taiwan.", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  4. 陳俞君,林慧君,林琪馨,李歡芳*, "The project on the effect of improving quality of information delivery to next duty in nursing care using electronic medical records", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  5. 賴昱伶,鄭雅玲,林琪馨,李歡芳*, "The study on the effect of enhancing the certification rate of nursing case study report.", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  6. 陳盈秀,柯雅婷,李歡芳*, "The study on reducing the incidence of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) patients by using focus Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) strategies", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  7. 林佳靜,方楸淑,鄭巧玲,李歡芳*, "The project on the effect of decreasing wrong classified and disposal cost on medical waste in the surgical ICU.", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  8. 宮雅芸,林琪馨,李佳芳,李歡芳*, "The study on the effect of improving unplanned removing central venous catheters at a surgical intensive care unit in southern Taiwan.", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  9. 莊騎徽,林琪馨,林毓涵,李歡芳*, "The study of improving patient's unplanned endotracheal tube extubation in a medical center of southern Taiwan.", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  10. 董育珍,戴碧卿,楊濘綺,李歡芳*, "The effect of improving patient’s skin damage caused by human factors in a medical center of southern Taiwan – a longitudinal study", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  11. 許雅欣,熊妙玲,宋易穎,李歡芳*, "Study on the effect of decreasing the rate of abnormal blood sampling by nurses using the PDCA cycle at a MICU in Taiwan", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  12. 許瑜玲,翁嘉禪,林美珍,李歡芳*, "The study on the effects of improving knowledge and techniques of ICU nurses using CVVH training programs", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  13. 李歡芳,許素珍, "Comparing the related factors of patient physical restraint under and over 24 hours", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.
  14. 蘇思憓,李歡芳*, "The study of improving care consensus of an ICU by using team", 15th EAFONS, 2012,02.


  1. Huan-Fang Lee, Miaofen Yen. Quality Indicators of Nursing Resources in Relation to Patient Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau International's 22st International Nursing Research Congress. (100.07.06-11於墨西哥坎昆海報發表)
  2. Li- Chiu Lin, Miaofen Yen , Huan- Fang Lee. (2011). Reliability and Validity of Nursing Work Environment Index Chinese Version. Sigma Theta Tau International's 22st International Nursing Research Congress. (100.07.06-11於墨西哥坎昆海報發表)
  3. Su-Ya Huang , Huan- Fang Lee, Ying-Li Lee, Shu-Ching MA, Su-Chen Hsu. (2011). The effect of information system on improving post-medication record at one medical center in Southern Taiwan. International Society for Quality in Health Care 28thInternational Conference.(2011. 09.14-17於香港海報發表
  4. Huan-Fang Lee, Miaofen Yen. (2011). Examining Factor Structure of Maslach Burnout Inventory among Nurses in Taiwan. 41st Biennial Convention. (2011.10.29-11.02於美國德州海報發表)


  1. Kao-Chang Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Su-Chen Hsu, Chih-Chiang Chien, Jinn-Rung Kuo. Exploring the predictors of headache and work stress: a case controlled study. 2010年神經醫學聯合學術研討會,(99.05.01-2海報發表)
  2. Su-Chen Hsu, Huan-Fang Lee, Chih-Chiang Chien, Jinn-Rung Kuo, Kao-Chang Lin. The paths of relationship between headache and poor care deliveries by nursing staffs. 2010年神經醫學聯合學術研討會,(99.05.01-2海報發表)
  3. Kao-Chang Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Su-Chen Hsu, Chih-Chiang Chien, Jinn-Rung Kuo. Examining Factor Structure of Questionnaires in Nursing Work Stress (NWS) From a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan. 4th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum. (99.06.04-5海報發表).
  4. Huan-Fang Lee, Kao-Chang Lin, Su-Chen Hsu, Chih-Chiang Chien, Jinn-Rung Kuo. The predictive factors of tension-type headache and work stress- a survey of nursing staffs from a medical center in southern Taiwan. 4th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum. (99.06.04-5海報發表).
  5. Su-Ya Huang , Huan- Fang Lee, Ying-Li Lee, Shu-Ching MA, Su-Chen Hsu. Team innovation can improve the hand - washing accuracy. 4th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum. (99.06.04-5海報發表).
  6. Lee, H F., Yen, M, Hsu, Su-Chen, Wang, Yu Zung (2010). Exploring predictors of work engagement. Sigma Theta Tau International's 21st International Nursing Research Congress. (99.07.12-16於美國奧蘭多口頭發表)
  7. 簡志強、蘇柏安、黃柏昌、鐘啟榮、陳雅芳、林高章、*李歡芳(通訊)從海外醫療服務,談國際衛生資料收集的重要性2010年健康照護國際研討會,台北(口頭發表)


  1. Lee, H. F., Yen, M. (2009). APACHE as a predictor of neurosurgery ICU readmission: a case control study. The 12th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars. Tokyo, Japan. (口頭報告)
  2. 李歡芳、簡志強、周淑蓮、馬淑清、莊玟玲、黃建元、謝東桓、林高章(2009)從醫療服務社團之建置,探討醫療人員從事海外及偏遠醫療服務之感受2009年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會,台北。
  3. 簡志強、李歡芳、馬淑清、周淑蓮、莊玟玲、謝東桓、陸雅玲、高婉菁、陳家成、林高章 (2009)參與海外及偏遠醫療服務對醫療人員之影響2009年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會,台北。
  4. 周敏怡、林淑惠、李歡芳、黃素雅、馬淑清、許素珍(2009)以病人為中心之團隊整合模式於提昇執行預防跌倒評估正確率成效2009年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會,台北。
  5. 黃文佩 李歡芳 黃素雅 馬淑清 許素珍(2009)住院病人壓瘡照護之改善成效TQIP十週年學術會議,台北。
  6. 李歡芳 黃素雅 呂瑾立 馬淑清 許素珍(2009)身體約束事件於一般病房與加護病房之比較TQIP十週年學術會議,台北。


  1. Lee, H.F., & Hsu, S.C. (2008). The important message communication in nursing department. Paper presented the New Frontiers in Primary Health Care: Role of Nursing and Other Profession Conference, February 4th to 6th, Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  2. Lee, H. F. (2008). Experience of application of music in the care of intracranial haemorrhage. Annual qualitative health research. Seoul, Korea (口頭報告)
  3. Lee, H. F. (2008). The project of reducing the incompletion of writing nursing documents that nurses in neurosurgery intensive care unit Annual qualitative health research. Seoul, Korea (口頭報告)


  1. Weng, T.Y., & Lee, H.F. (2007). Nursing experience of thoracic vertebra injury youth. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference, May 27 to June 1, 2007, Yokohama, Japan. (*通訊作者)
  2. LEE, H.F., WENG, T.Y., & LIN, S.C. (2007). The project of reducing the incompletion of writing nursing chart that nurses in neurosurgery intensive care unit. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference, May 27 to June 1, 2007, Yokohama, Japan.
  3. Lin, S.C., Lee, H.F., Chen, C.F., & Lu, C.L. (2007). The identifying factors associated with readmissions among neurosurgical intensive care unit patients. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference, May 27 to June 1, 2007, Yokohama, Japan. (*通訊作者)
  4. Liu, F.J.; Lee, H.F. (2007). The project of improving the nursing staffs' satisfaction on using the traction device. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference, May 27 to June 1, 2007, Yokohama, Japan.
  5. Wei, I.L., Lee, H.F., Tang, F.I., & Sun, S.H. (2007). Vitamin B6 deficiency alters dopamine clearance but not dopamine transporter in rat striatum. Paper presented the 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition, September 9 to 13, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.


  1. 許家蓁、李歡芳(2006)一位頭部外傷病患重返加護病房之護理經驗中華民國護理學會第二十二屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台南:成功大學。(*通訊作者)
  2. 蘇筠淇、李歡芳(2006)一位因伏尼爾氏壞疽行腸造口病患之照護經驗中華民國護理學會第二十二屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台南:成功大學。(*通訊作者)
  3. 曾麗美、李歡芳*、林佳靜(2006)介入措施於降低某加護病房身體約束事件之成效探討中華民國護理學會第二十二屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台南:成功大學。(*通訊作者)
  4. 林淑卿、李歡芳(2006)應用肺部運動於慢性肺阻塞呼吸衰竭病患之護理經驗首屆海峽兩岸護理學術研討會江西:南昌。(*通訊作者)
  5. 劉芳蓁、李歡芳(2006)提昇護理人員使用牽引器滿意度之專案中華民國第18次行政專案發表會台北:國際會議廳。


  1. 陳巧芳、李歡芳(2005)一位蜘蛛膜下腔出血引發神經性肺水腫病患之護理中華民國護理學會第二十一屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台北:國際會議中心。(*通訊作者)
  2. 李雅萍、李歡芳(2005)照顧一位腦中風家屬角色緊張之護理經驗中華民國護理學會第二十一屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台北:國際會議中心。(*通訊作者)
  3. Lee, Huan-Fang(2005). Caring experience of using discharge planning of intermittent catheterization for a urinary incontinence adolescent with myelomeningocele. The International Council of Nurses: 23rd Quadrennial Congress. 台北:台北國際會議中心。
  4. Lee, Huan-Fang(2005). Exploration of effect on applying reminiscence therapy for elevating nursing-home old people's self-esteem. The International Council of Nurses: 23rd Quadrennial Congress. 台北:台北國際會議中心。
  5. Lee, Huan-Fang(2005).Comparisons of head injury patients' body temperatures by different measurement methods. The International Council of Nurses: 23rd Quadrennial Congress. 台北:台北國際會議中心。
  6. Lin, C. C., & Lee, H.F. (2005). Roy's adaptation model for postoperative female with second stage breast cancer. The International Council of Nurses: 23rd Quadrennial Congress. 台北:台北國際會議中心。(*通訊作者)


  1. Lee, H. F. & Yen, M. (2001). Applying compression to a terminal ill patient with lower extremity edema. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference -- "Nursing: A New Era for Action", June 10 to June 15, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  2. Lee, H. F. & Yen, M. (2001). The experience of caring a dying patient with colon cancer. Paper presented the ICN Centennial Conference -- "Nursing: A New Era for Action", June 10 to June 15, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  3. 李歡芳、王琪珍、黃麗君(2000)以非藥物治療-穴道指壓緩和化學治療造成的噁心嘔吐之成效評價中華民國護理學會第十六屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台北:陽明大學。
  4. 李歡芳、許雅莉、蕭秀香、黃喜玲、葉莉莉(1999)某大學高血壓高危險群對高血壓之認知、態度及行為中華民國護理學會第十五屆論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流台中:榮總。
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