




  1. Yang, W. P., Chao, C. S*., Chen, C. H., & Lai, W. S. (2010). Bioethics education for practicing nurses in Taiwan: Confucian-western clash. Nursing Ethics, 17(4), 511-521. (SSCI) (15/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=3.344)
  2. Lai, W. S., Chao, C. S*., Yang, W. P., & Chen, C. H. (2010). Efficacy of guided imagery with theta music for advanced cancer patients with dyspnea: A pilot study. Biological Research for Nursing, 12(2), 188-97. (SCI) (49/125, Q2, IF=2.318)
  3. Yang, W. P., Chao, C. S*., Lai, W. S., Chen, C. H., Shih, Y. L., & Chiu, G. L. (2013). Building a bridge for nursing education and clinical care in Taiwan- Using action research and Confucian tradition to close the gap. Nurse Education Today, 33(3), 199-204.SSCI(8/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=3.906)
  4. Lai, W. S., Chao, C. S. C*., Yang, W. P., Liu, H. C., & Chen, C. H. (2013). “Does one size fit all?”-- Exploring the cultural applicability of NANDA nursing diagnoses to Chinese nursing practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 24(1), 43-50. (SSCI ) (8/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=1.869)
  5. Li, W. W., Nhung, D. T. K., Lai, W. S., & Hwang, S. L.* (2017). Cultural and clinical factors associated with antihypertensive medication adherence in Vietnamese policemen. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 2(1), 11-18.
  6. Lai, W. S., Shu, B. C., & Hou, W. L. (2019). A qualitative exploration of the fear of recurrence among Taiwanese breast cancer survivors. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(5), e13113. (SCI/SSCI) (46/123 Nurisng, Q2, IF=2.328)
  7. Lai, W. S.*, Liu, I. t., Tsai, J. H., Su, P. F., Chiu, P. H., Huang, Y. T., Chiu, G. L., Chen, Y. Y., & Lin, P. C. (2021). Hospice delivery models and survival differences in the terminally ill: A large cohort study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. (Epub ahead of print). http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003262 (SCI/SSCI) (25/109 Health care sciences & services, Q1, IF=4.633)
  8. Dan, N., T., & Lai, W. S.*(2021). Difficulties and practices in palliative nursing for cancer patients in Vietnam. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 23(6), 512-519. (SCI/SSCI) (60/123 Nursing, Q2, IF=2.131)
  9. Lai, W. S.*, W. W., & Chiu, W. H. (2021). Grieving in silence: Experience of bereaved Taiwanese family members whose loved ones died from cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 52, 101967. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2021.101967 (SCI/SSCI) (33/125 Nursing, Q2, IF=2.588)
  10. Anna, A., Wang, C. J., Lai, W. S., & Chen, H. M.* (2022). Developing and validating cardiovascular emergency gamification question cards. Nurse Education Today, 117, 105482. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105482 (SCI/SSCI) (8/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=3.906)
  11. Su, R. N., Lai, W. S*., Jhang, J. N., Hsieh, C. C., Ku, Y. C., & Lien, H. I. (2022). Impact of frailty on the short-term outcomes of elderly ICU patients. Nursing in Critical Care. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12787. (SCI/SSCI) (2/125 Nursing, Q1, IF= 2.897)
  12. Lan, L. T, Chang, H. Y., Natashia, D., Lai, W. S., & Yen, M. F.*(2022). Self-report instruments for measuring patient dignity: A psychometric systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.15436 (SCI/SSCI) (20/123 Nursing, Q1, F=3.057)
  13. Liao, F. H., Chang, C. C., Lu, Y. C., Lin, C. Y., & Lai, W. S.* (2022). Impact of free flap reconstruction on obstructive sleep apnea in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 100136. doi: 10.1016/j.apjon.2022.100136 (SCI/SSCI) (53/123 Nursing, Q2, IF=2.22)
  14. Priambodo, A. P., Nurhamsyah, D., Lai, W. S., Chen, H. M.*(2022). Simulation-based education promoting situation awareness in undergraduate nursing students: A scoping review. Nurse Education in Practice, 65. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103499. Epub) (SCI/SSCI) (11/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=3.43)
  15. Tsai, J. H., Liu, I. T., Su, P. F., Huang, Y. T., Chiu, G. L., Chen, Y. Y., Lai, W. S., & Lin, P. C.* (2023). Lidocaine transdermal patches reduced pain intensity in neuropathic cancer patients already receiving opioid treatment. BMC Palliative Care, 22(4). doi: 10.1186/s12904-023-01126-3.
  16. Lai, W. S*. Liu, L. C., Chen, H. M., & Anna, A. (2023). Integrated immediate postmortem andacute bereavement care: Competency-based entrustable professional activities for nursing. Nurse Education Today. (Accept) (SCI/SSCI) (8/125 Nursing, Q1, IF=3.906)


  1. 楊婉萍、賴維淑*、趙可式(2008).協助一位末期病人面臨整體苦難之全人照護經驗.護理雜誌,55(6)101-106
  2. 賴維淑、楊婉萍、施雅蘭、趙可式(2009).運用安寧療護理念於末期病人之出院準備服務.護理雜誌,56(2)94-100
  3. 賴維淑、楊婉萍、趙可式(2009).安寧療護的教育-護生、一般護理人員及專科護理師.護理雜誌,56(1)11-16
  4. 楊婉萍、趙可式、龔卓軍、賴維淑(2012).癌症病人生病經驗之時間性議題.應用心理研究5453-74
  5. 賴維淑(2014).哀傷撫慰之陪伴倫理.安寧療護雜誌,19(1)67-75
  6. 許淑敏、陳春香、黃美凰、賴維淑、曾明月、洪玉珠、黃秀梨*(2014).基礎醫學融入護理教學綜論.長庚科技學刊,201-12
  7. 賴維淑、洪玉珠、曾明月、許淑敏、陳春香、黃美凰、黃秀梨*(2014).深耕職涯護理能力養成教育新趨勢.領導護理,15(3)2-13
  8. 李文文、賴維淑(2016) .探討應用遠距醫療協助少數族群高血壓管控之成效系統性文獻回顧.護理雜誌,63(4)25-34
  9. 黃詩凌、賴維淑、方素瓔(2018).運用風扇緩解呼吸困難系統性文獻回顧與臨床應用.護理雜誌,65(4)84 -93
  10. 廖芙欣、賴維淑、方素瓔(2018).阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症病人使用耳穴貼壓是否有效改善呼吸中止及淺呼吸.實證護理知識館。取自https://www.ebhc.e-twna.org.tw/umbraco/Surface/PublicationPostSurface/CP?Id=42f82ed0-d7a9-4ab8-ac33-0e25126d9933
  11. 林家穗、王枝燦*賴維淑(2019).華人傳統文化對國人善終選擇之影響.安寧療護雜誌24(1)1-16
  12. 王品勻、賴維淑、楊玉勤(2019).運用倫理分析於老年腎病末期病人終止血液透析之共享決策經驗.護理雜誌,66(4)103-109
  13. 吳嫚庭、賴維淑、方素瓔(2019).癌症病人對預立醫療照護諮商之需要.台灣醫學,23(4)529-541
  14. 梁惠茹、賴維淑*(2020).「帶著悲傷前行」:以焦點團體法探討喪親家屬哀傷經驗.安寧療護雜誌24(3)193-208
  15. 龔貞寧、葉俊吟、賴維淑、陳欽明、柯乃熒*(2020).從加護病房家屬觀點探究重症病情告知的經驗.護理雜誌67(4)50-60
  16. 吳怡貞、賴維淑*、劉又瑄、釋宏琳(2021).協助一位末期病人臨終出院之照護經驗.安寧療護雜誌,26(1)76 -90
  17. 馬宜君、賴維淑*(2021).緩和鎮  靜於末期病人存在性受苦之照護倫理與臨床處置思辨.安寧療護雜誌,23(3)205-218
  18. 詹璧華、梁惠茹、賴維淑*、釋宏琳(2021).癌末病人撤除氣管內管之照護經驗.安寧療護雜誌,25(3)284-297
  19. 張靜年、賴維淑*(2021).尊嚴療法於末期照護之深化、實踐與推展建議.台灣醫學25(4)531-540
  20. 余蕙菁、賴維淑*、劉麗珒、陳政惠、江欣怡(2021).一位骨髓發育不良症候群青少女行異體周邊血液幹細胞移植前之護理經驗.腫瘤護理雜誌21(1)63-74
  21. 張語柔、賴維淑*(2022).芳香療法精油嗅吸改善失智症精神行為症狀之成效--系統性文獻回顧與臨床應應用.自然療法暨健康促進期刊,1(1)43-53
  22. 邱子芸、賴維淑*(2022).尊嚴療法提升癌末病人尊嚴感之成效台灣醫學,26(4)466-476
  23. 劉梨榛、賴維淑*(2022).可信賴專業活動之概念分析.領導護理,23(3)24-34
  24. 張語柔、賴維淑*(2022).芳香療法精油嗅吸改善失智症精神行為症狀之成效--系統性文獻回顧與臨床應應用.自然療法暨健康促進期刊,1(1)43-53
  25. 蔡佩純、張雅燕、劉麗珒、林惠敏、賴維淑*(2022).協助一位甲狀腺腫瘤病人接受氣切造口術後之出院準備服務經驗.腫瘤護理雜誌,22(2)141-152
  26. 陳姿穎、賴維淑*、邱智鈴、劉梨榛(2023).探討全天候安寧居家護理師之工作壓力與經驗:混合性研究.安寧療護雜誌(已接受待刊登)
  27. 吳嫚庭、賴維淑*(2023).複雜性喪慟風險評估架構之初探與未來發展建議.安寧療護雜誌(已接受待刊登)


  1. 賴維淑、趙可式(2002)‧晚期癌症病人對臨終事件之感受與身、心、社會及靈性之需求‧中華民國護理學會第十八次護理研究論文發表,台中,台灣。(口頭報告)。
  2. Lai, W. S. (2007). Effectiveness of bereavement interventions: A meta-analysis. The 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Manila, Philippines.
  3. Shih, Y. L., Lai, W. S., Yang, W. P., Chiu, G. L., & Liao, C. C. (2007). The efficacy of malignant tumor wounds care of cancer patients of a medical center in south Taiwan. The 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Manila, Philippines.
  4. Lai, W. S., Yang, W. P., & Chao, C. S. (2008). Family members’ perceived needs for bereavement care in Taiwan. 2008 Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore.
  5. Yang, W. P., Lai, W. S., & Chao, C. S. (2008). Recognitions and acceptance of nurses toward hospice palliative care in Taiwan. 2008 Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore.
  6. Yang, W. P., Chao, C. S., Chiu, G. L., Lin, P. C., Weng, Y. C., Kuo, Y. M., Shih, Y. L., & Lai, W. S. (2011). Facilitating the public discussions of advance care planning with audio-visual media in Taiwan- A action research. International Society of Advance Care Planning & End of Life Care Conference 2011, UK: London.
  7. Lai, W. S., Yang, W. P., Shih, Y. L., & Liu, H. C. (2011). ACP is a national social movement --The effectiveness of life education programs for school children: A preliminary study. International Society of Advance Care Planning & End of Life Care Conference 2011, UK: London.
  8. Shih, Y. L., Yang, W. P., & Lai, W. S. (2011). A pilot study on dying symptoms, signs and nearing death awareness in terminally ill cancer patients. The 9th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Malaysia.
  9. Tseng, M. Y., Hwang, S. L., Lai, W. S., Ho, M. Y., & Hong, Y.U. (2015). Transition experiences of newly graduated nurses during first six months in critical care units. 5th International BACCN (British Association of Critical Care Nurses) Conference 2015, UK: London.
  10. Lai, W. S. (2015). Nurse grief too: Caring for nursing students working with dying patients in critical care units. 5th International BACCN (British Association of Critical Care Nurses) Conference 2015, UK: London.
  11. Lai, W. S., Hwang, S. L., Tseng, M. Y., & Hong, Y. J. (2015). Bridge the gap between novice and competent nurses: effectiveness of clinical simulated learning program in improving students' nursing competence of critical care. 5th International BACCN (British Association of Critical Care Nurses) Conference 2015, UK: London.
  12. Hong, Y. J., Lai, W. S., Hwang, S. L., & Wu, H. S. (2015). Learning by doing: The service-learning experiences of nursing students in an anchored nursing course. 2015 West China International Nursing Conference, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
  13. Li, W. W., Nhung, D. H., Lai, W. S., & Hwang, S. L. (2015). Factor related to hypertension medication nonadherence for Vietnamese police. Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) 48th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  14. Hong, Y. J., Lai, W. S., Hwang, S. L.,& Wu, H. S. (2015). Education beyond the classroom: Effects of service-learning on students nursing core competencies, attitudes, and values. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2015(ACP2015) , Osaka, Japan.
  15. Lai, W. S., Hong, Y. J., & Hwang, S. L. (2015). Making the invisible visible: An innovative method to enhance clinical reasoning ability in adult nursing. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2015 (ACP2015), Osaka, Japan.
  16. Lai, W. S., Hwang, S. L., Hong, Y. J., & Tseng , M. Y. (2015). Effectiveness of 3C (case-based learning, concept mapping, and clinical reasoning) program in improving students' nursing competence in end of life care. Asia Pacific Hospice Conference 2015 (APHC 2015), Taipei, Taiwan.
  17. Tseng, M. Y., Hwang, S. L., Ho, M. Y., Lai, W. S., & Hong, Y. J. (2015). Relationship between career self-efficacy and nursing competencies among baccalaureate nursing graduates. 10th International Nursing Conference in Seoul, republic of Korea.
  18. Tseng, M. Y., Hwang, S. L., Ho, M. Y., Lai, W. S., & Tu, S. Y. (2017). SURVIVAL: Key components of effectiveness strategies and needs to assist transition from student to newly qualified nurse. 23rd World Nursing & Healthcare conference in Berlin, Germany.
  19. Wu, H. S., Hwang, S. L., Hong, Y. J., & Lai, W. S. (2017). An innovative teaching embracing social caring and participation: Effects of situated learning, problem-based learning and SERVICE-Learning on nursing students. 3rd World Congress on Nursing (Nursing-2017) conference in Barcelona, Spain.
  20. Lai, W. S., & Liu, L. C. (2018). “The Last Duties”--Integration of Immediate Postmortem Care and Acute Bereavement Care: Development of Competency-Based Nursing Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). 26th Cancer Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Conference, UK: London.
  21. Lai, W. S., & Liu, L. C. (2019). The experience of The Last Office in bereaved family members: A qualitative systematic review and clinical recommendations. The 13th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference (APHC), Surabaya, Indonesia.(榮獲論文獎勵第二名)
  1. 廖芙欣、張展旗、呂宇城、林政佑、賴維淑(2019)•口咽腫瘤患者接受手術治療對阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症之相關性探討前驅性研究•108台灣睡眠醫學學會年會。台灣:台北。
  2. Liao, F. H., Chang, C. C., Lu, Y. C., Lai, W. S*., & Lin, C. Y.* (2020). The association between sleep-related breathing disorders and free flap reconstruction surgery in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancers during 6-month follow-up. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), Philadelphia, USA.
  3. Lai, W. S. (2020). Palliative care in humanitarian crises: Nursing role in enhancing the QoL in combating COVID-19. 1st International Virtual Conference on Nursing, Health Sciences and Technology (ICNHT) (Keynote speaker).
  4. Lam, L. T., Lin, Y. S., Lai, W. S., & Yen, M. Y. (2021). Improving oral care for patient with palliative care through international partnership among Taiwan and Vietnam. Sigma's 32nd International Nursing Research Congress (Virtual Congress).
  5. Lai, W. S., & Chiu, T. Y. (2021). The effectiveness of dignity therapy in enhancing the sense of dignity of cancer patients at the end-of-life: A systematic rview and clinical implications. The 14th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference (APHC), Kobe, Japan.
  6. Lai, W. S., & Taiwan Association of Hospice Palliative Nursing (2021). To Cure Sometimes, to Relieve Often, to Comfort Always”--Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Train-the-Trainer for Comfort Care (TT-CC) Training Program in Palliative Care. The 14th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference (APHC), Kobe, Japan.


  1. 賴維淑2009)‧呼吸困難、病情告知、預期性哀傷輔導‧於趙可式主編,安寧護理個案報告範本74-98頁)‧台灣安寧緩和護理學會。(ISBN-978-986-83477-3-1)
  2. 賴維淑、楊婉萍(2009)‧安寧護理過程實錄‧於趙可式主編,安寧護理過程實錄27-40頁)‧台灣安寧緩和護理學會。(ISBN-978-986-83477-2-4)
  3. MacKinlay, E. (2012). Palliative care, ageing and spirituality: A guide for older people, carers and families(老人生死教育:緩和照護與靈性需求) (吳瓊滿、賴維淑共同翻譯).華騰文化。(ISBN978-986-5998-48-6)
  4. 賴維淑(2015)護理考試叢書--內外科護理學‧華格那。
  5. 賴維淑(2016).長照機構的醫療照護議題與人員教育訓練.於陳炳仁主編、衛生福利部指導,失智症安寧緩和醫療照護指引(67-88).奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院。
  1. 劉梨榛、江昆原、賴維淑*、邱智鈴、陳泓裕(2019).居家病人非藥物緩解便秘照護指引.於成大醫院護理部總校閱,居家護理所設立輔導計畫-10+2 居家護理實證應用常用指引(93-111).衛生福利部護理及健康照護司。
  2. 林毅欣、劉梨榛、賴維淑*、施雅蘭、蔡瑞鴻(2019).居家病人遺體護理照護指引.於成大醫院護理部總校閱,居家護理所設立輔導計畫-10+2居家護理實證應用常用指引(194-216).衛生福利部護理及健康照護司。
  3. 梁惠茹、陳巧怡、沈維真、賴維淑 (2019).居家召開家庭會議照護指引.於成大醫院護理部總校閱,居家護理所設立輔導計畫-10+2居家護理實證應用常用指引(217-228).衛生福利部護理及健康照護司。
  4. 國家衛生研究院 (2019)台灣安寧緩和療護政策白皮書。國家衛生研究院(國家衛生研究院Ebook館藏條碼號39000000464078 ) (賴維淑、許志成彙整專家意見執筆者) https://lib.nhri.edu.tw/NewWeb/nhri/ebook/39000000464078.pdf
  5. 國家衛生研究院(2019)台灣安寧緩和療護政策綱領暨行動方案。國家衛生研究院(國家衛生研究院Ebook館藏條碼號39000000464060) (賴維淑、許志成彙整專家執筆者) https://lib.nhri.edu.tw/NewWeb/nhri/ebook/39000000464060.pdf
  6. 賴維淑(2020).第三階段-臨終照護.於衛生福利部國民健康署指導、台灣安寧緩和醫學學會編著,臺灣兒童安寧緩和醫療照護參考手冊(49-74).衛生福利部國民健康署。
  7. 賴維淑(2020).第三階段-臨終照護.於衛生福利部國民健康署指導、台灣安寧緩和醫學學會編著,臺灣新生兒安寧緩和醫療照護參考手冊(39-56).衛生福利部國民健康署。
  8. 賴維淑(2020)舒適護理.台灣安寧緩和護理學會。(ISBN: 978-986-99084-0-5)https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGg5MJVChUgbcBBmebGFHcdQYZsnqW0So (線上數位課程共16單元)
  9. 台灣安寧照顧協會(2019)你好嗎?我想來看看你(如何探望末期病人).於胡文郁主編,李欣慈、林維君、姚建安、楊嘉玲、劉萱撰寫‧台灣安寧照顧協會。(賴維淑編輯委員群)
  10. 台灣安寧照顧協會(2021)我們回家吧安寧照護資源手冊,於胡文郁主編,楊嘉玲、劉萱撰寫.台灣安寧照顧協會。(賴維淑編輯委員群)
  11. 賴維淑(2021)病人照護.於蔡兆勳總編輯,台灣新冠肺炎安寧緩和醫療建議第一版(9-20).台灣安寧緩和醫學會。
  12. 賴維淑(2021).藏行顯光、幽谷伴行:敘事醫療於安寧緩和療護之教育實踐.於紀潔芳主編,創新與傳承-大學生命教育課程規劃與教學實務(507-524).心理出版社。
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  2. 賴維淑(2012)哀傷的意義與癌末病人死亡前後照顧者哀傷撫慰需求.未發表的博士論文,台南:國立成功大學。

