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International Charity Webinar: The 3rd. Palliative Care Update 2021



International Charity Webinar: The 3rd. Palliative Care Update 2021
Every year in 4th February, we commemorate a worldwide cancer day, this year, our institution, Institute of Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda along with HIMIKA or Assembly of Nursing Student..

⬇️ Proundly Present ⬇️

Improving Quality of Life To Achieve Good Life And Good Death in Cancer Patients

🗣️ Speakers
👤 Assoc. Prof.Chi Yin Kao, Ph.D
From National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan ( Providing Comfort Care to Manage Symptoms in Cancer Patients )
👤 Ns. Martina Sinta Kristanti M.N., Ph.D
From Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta
 ( Improving Quality  of life in Cancer Patient’s through Involvement Family Program )
👤 Dr. Anik Puji Rahayu M.Kep
From Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan
 ( The Psycho-Spiritual Approach in the Cancer Care Setting )
👤 Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini  M.S
From Institute of Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda
 ( Achieving Good Death as the Ultimate Goals of Palliative Care )

📌 Ns. Sumiati Sinaga, S.kep,M.kep
lecturer of Institute of Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda
📌 Cici Khairunnisa
student of Institute of Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda
📌 Melinda bid
student of Institute of  Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda
📌 Lusiana Aprilia Simamora
student of Institute of  Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda

🗣️ MC
📌 Hendro Ardi Pratama
student of Institute of  Health Technology & Science Wiyata Husada Samarinda

❗️save the date ❗️
🗓️ Thursday, February 25th 2021
⏰ Time at 08.30 a.m WITA (7.30 am WIB) until finish
💻 Via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 8959 7906 /Passcode: 838152

📱Streaming via YouTube: "TV WHS"

📧 E-Certificate 3 SKP PPNI NATIONAL
📚 Helpful science

✍🏻 Registration Stage
1. Making payments via transfer
2. Fill the online registration : https://forms.gle/5zcubZRpSnkEPa5r8
4. Join whatsapp or telegram group
5. To get an e-sertificate, participants required to fill in the attendance's link and evaluation's link 

👥 Open for the public👥

📞Contact person 📞
Sarah +62 812-5376-0412
Riska +62 831-4042-1945

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