Cheng, Wen-Yun Publications
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Cheng, Wen-Yun Publications

(一)International Conference:

  1. Hsueh, K.H., Bachman,  J. A., Richardson, L.I., Cheng, W.Y., & Zimmerman. R.S. (2014). Mechanisms Through Which  Reciprocal Filial Values Protect Wellbeing of Chinese Adult-Child Caregivers in the US. Research in Nursing & Health (Accepted).
  2. Wang, J., Cheng, W., Lai, P., & Pai, M*. (accepted) The Influence of Past Life Experience and Proximal Environment on Delusion and its Underlying Needs in people with Alzheimer’s disease: A Caregivers’ Perspective. Journal of Gerontological Nursing.【SSCI:58/104】
  3. Hsueh, K-H, Bachman, J., Richardson, L. I., Cheng, W-Y.  Exploring Potentially Protective Mechanisms in the Enduring Adverse Effects of Caregiver Strains on the Wellbeing of U.S. Chinese Adult-Child Caregivers. (submitted to Research in Nursing & Health).
  4. Cheng, W., Hu, C., OuYang, W., Kass, M., & Wang, J.*, (2013). Experience of Elders Cohabitating with People with Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 39(9), 34-41.【SSCI:58/104】
  5. Lin L-Y, Huang, Y-S, Chen-Sea, M-J., Tsai, J-J., Cheng, W-Y., Chen, C-H., & Chang, J-H. Perception on and collaboration with occupational therapy among medical, nursing, and occupational therapy students: A pilot study in a college of medicine. Taiwan Association of Medical Education, 16(4), 167-175.
  6. Wang, J., Feldt, K., Cheng, W., & Lin, W. (2012). Characteristics and Underlying Meaning of Hoarding Behavior in Elders With Alzheimer’s Dementia: Caregivers’ Perspective. The Journal of Nursing Research, 20(3), 189-196.
  7. 張文芸、王靜枝、施陳美津、高愛文(2011):失智老人專業照護者網路教育方案之建置與推廣。100年度國科會結案報告書。
  8. 施陳美津、張哲豪、林玲伊、蔡景仁、陳志弘、張文芸(2011):醫療專業成員及病人對職能治療的認識、認同、團隊合作現況與服務需求。100年度國科會結案報告書。
  9. 王靜枝、胡嘉容、張文芸‧(2011)‧與失智患者有效溝通策略及方法‧護理雜誌, (58), 85-90。
  10. 楊詠仁、湯麗玉、張文芸等合著(2011)‧失智實務照護‧台北:合記出版社出版。
  11. 王世俊、林麗嬋、張文芸等合著(2010)‧老人護理學‧台北:華杏‧
  12. 王靜枝、張文芸等合著(2010) ‧醫護之另類療法‧台北:華騰‧
  13. 葉淑惠、張文芸等合著(2010)‧老人照護指引‧台北:華杏‧
  14. Cheng, W. Y.* (2010). Application effects of a walking program for cognitively impaired elders in long-term care facility. Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings, M310C0041.
  15. Cheng, W. Y.* (2010). The stressors, impact, and coping skills among family caregivers of elders with dementia. Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings, M310C0042.
  16. Cheng, W. Y.*, Wang, J. J., & Huang, C. C. (2010). Group activity program for elders with dementia in rehabilitation ward. Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings, M310C0043. 
  17. Chiu, L. Y. & Cheng, W. Y. (2009). Intensive Care Experience of Applying Gerotranscendence Theory (GTT) to Improve Successful Aging for Elderly Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarctions. Taiwan Geriatrics & Gerontology, 4(1): 63-76.
  18. Wang, J., Lin, M., Tseng, H. & Chang, W. (2009). Caregiver factors contributing to psychological elder abuse behavior in Taiwan: A structural equation model approach. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(2), 314-320.
  19. Cheng, W. Y., & Huang, B. S. (2007). Application Effects of religion therapy on the hopelessness of patient with spinal cord injury. Journal of Chang Kung Nursing, 18(3), 423-432.
  20. Cheng, W. Y. (2007). Adapt and evaluate an education program on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia for nursing caregivers in Taiwan long-term care facilities. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
  21. Hsueh, K. H., Phillips, L., Cheng, W. Y., & Fulton Picot, S. J. (2005). Assessing cross-cultural equivalence through confirmatory factor analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 27 (6), 755-771. (SSCI Research Paper)
  22. Hsueh, K. H., Fish, A. F., Cheng, W. Y., & Phillips, L. A. (Pending) Theoretical Model on Intergenerational Family Caregiving Experience among Chinese.
  23. Yang, Y. Z., Cheng, W. Y., et al. (2009). Dementia practice care. Taipei: HoChi Publish Com.
  24. Wang, S. C., Cheng, W. Y., et al. (2007). Gerontological nursing. Taipei: HuaShin Com.
  25. Wang, J. J., Cheng, W. Y., et al. (2007). Complementary therapy. Taipei: HuaTan Com.
  26. Yeh, S. H., Cheng, W. Y., et al. (2007). Gerontological nursing guideline. Taipei: HuaShin Com.
  27. Yeh, S. H., Cheng, W. Y. et al. (2002). The Elderly Care Guideline. Taipei: Farseeing
  28. Snyder, M., Cheng, W. Y., & Tseng, H. (2001). Nursing Therapeutics: An overview. AANN Neuroscience Nursing: Human Responses to Neurologic Dysfunction, 1, 53-72.
  29. Lee, I. Y. & Cheng, W. Y. (2001). The construction and effectiveness of relocation protocol on nursing home cognitively impaired elders. DOH research report.
  30. Shu, C. L., Chen, S. R., & Shou, C. I.(2001). Relocation Syndrome in Nursing Home elders: A Pilot Study. National Cheng Kung University Undergraduate Thesis (pp.234-240). (Cheng WY, the instructor) Tainan: NCKU.
  31. Shou, C. I., Shu, C. L., & Chen, S. R.(2001). Relocation Stress and care need in Nursing Home elders: A Pilot Study. National Cheng Kung University Undergraduate Thesis (pp.234-240). (Cheng WY, the instructor) Tainan: NCKU.
  32. Huang, S. H., Lin, S. H., Lee, C. R. & Liou, C. I. (2000) ‧Effects of walking program On the dementia elderly.(Cheng WY, the instructor)NSC research report
  33. Lee, I. Y. & Cheng, W. Y. (2000). Behavioral problem managements on the nursing home dementia elderly: The construction of nursing protocols and training effectiveness on nursing aids. DOH research report.
  34. Kue, C. Y., Cheng, W. Y., & Chiu, S. C. (1999)‧The construction and evaluation of rehabilitation assessment tool for hospitalized patients. New Nursing Image, 9(3), 14-31。
    Chang, Y. S., Cheng, W. Y., & Foo, L. S. (1999). The effectiveness of discharge planning on stroke patients. Scale System in Nursing Professional Performance, 1, 240-249。Tainan, NCKUH.
  35. Snyder, M., & Cheng, W.Y. (1998). Massage. In M. Snyder, & R. Lindquist (Eds), Complementary/Alternative therapies in nursing (pp. 63-74). NY: Springer.
  36. Cheng, W. Y. (1997). Nursing managements of behavioral problems for dementia elders. The Journal of Nursing, 44(1), 77-84.
  37. Cheng, W. Y. (1996)‧Knowledge of behavioral problems for the dementia elderly. The Journal of Nursing, 43(4), 85-91.
  38. Cheng, W. Y. (1995). Comparison of the patients’ dementia levels and their responses to hand massage, therapeutic touch, and presence for decreasing disruptive behaviors. The Geriatric Academic Yearly Journal, l (1), 1-26.
  39. Tsai, W. I., Cheng, W. Y., Chang, I. L., & Chow, C, W. (1995). The effectiveness of hand massage, music, & presence on agitative behaviors of cognitively impaired elders. The Technology Association. Tainan: NCKU.
  40. Cheng, W. Y. (1993). Nursing practice. Nursing J of National Cheng Kung University, 1, 57-62.


(二)National Conference:

  1. 張文芸、郭淑娥、陳可昀、廖悅如、薛桂香(2013): 與失智共舞-男性家庭成員失智照顧歷程 (Dancing with the Dementia-Caregiving Process for the Male Caregivers)。台灣護理學會第廿九次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流。2013年08月30日,台中,中國醫學大學。
  2. Cheng, WY. , Chen, K. Y., Wang, J. J., Hsueh, K. H., Liao, Y, J., Kou, S. E., & Kao, A. W. (2013). Establish a Knowledge, Attitude, & Practice Care Model for the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Pilot Study with Cultural Equivalence for Caregivers in Long Term Care Facilities. The 29th Conference of Taiwan Nursing Association. Taichung, Taiwan, Aug 30, 2013。
  3. 2012/09/26 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營」擔任授課講者,講授「長期照護計畫擬訂」。
  4. 2012/09/26 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症照護概論」。
  5. 2012/09/26社團法人台灣老人福利機構協會辦理之「101年度老人福利服務專業人員訓練」擔任授課講者,講授「認識失智症及其症狀」。
  6. 2012/09/26 社團法人台灣老人福利機構協會辦理之「101年度老人福利服務專業人員訓練」擔任授課講者,講授「失智者日常生活照顧技巧」。
  7. 張文芸、陳可昀、王靜枝、林郁茹、高愛文(2012):家庭照顧者本土文化適切性失智教育方案學習網站之建置(Establish a Web-Based Education Program With Cultural Equivalence for Family Caregivers of Elders With Dementia)。台灣護理學會第廿八次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流。2012年09月07日,高雄,高雄醫學大學。
  8. 2012/06/02財團法人天主教若瑟醫院聯合會舉辦之「專業人員課程訓練營(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智行為精神症狀(BPSD) 研究資料之於臨床應用」。
  9. 2012/06/02財團法人天主教若瑟醫院聯合會舉辦之「專業人員課程訓練營(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智日常照護問題之實證措施效益探討」。
  10. 2011/10/01長庚科技大學舉辦之「芳療於失能長期照護學程課程訓練營」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症照護概論」失智症之照顧。
  11. 2011/10/01長庚科技大學舉辦之「芳療於失能長期照護學程課程訓練營」擔任授課講者,講授「老人暨長期照護概論」。
  12. 2011/10/18社團法人台灣老人福利機構協會舉辦之「100年度老人福利機構主任在職訓練課」擔任授課講者,講授「認識老人身心發展(一)」。
  13. 2011/10/18社團法人台灣老人福利機構協會舉辦之「100年度老人福利機構主任在職訓練課」擔任授課講者,講授「認識老人身心發展(二)」。
  14. 2011/10/18社團法人台灣老人福利機構協會舉辦之「100年度老人福利機構主任在職訓練課」擔任授課講者,講授「長期照護機構之失智照護措施」。
  15. 2011/10/07 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營(中區)」擔任授課講者,講授「長期照護計畫擬訂」。
  16. 2011/10/07 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營(中區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症照護概論」。
  17. 張哲豪、施陳美津、林玲伊、蔡景仁、陳志弘、張文芸、林倬賢(2011):醫療專業大學部學生對職能治療的認識與合作現況。台灣醫學教育學會100年度會員大會暨學術研討會。民100年10月15日,台南,國立成功大學醫學院。
  18. 2011/10/20成大教學醫院護理部舉辦之「失智課程訓練營」擔任授課講者,講授「失智照護於急性單位之落實」
  19. 林玲伊、張哲豪、施陳美津*、蔡景仁、陳志弘、張文芸、林倬賢(2011):醫療團隊成員對職能治療的認知與合作現況。台灣職能治療學會第30次學術研討會。民100年12月4日,高雄,高雄醫學大學。
  20. 2011/09/09 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「長期照護計畫擬訂」。
  21. 2011/09/09 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會舉辦之「課程訓練營(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症照護概論」。
  22. 張文芸、王靜枝、林郁茹、陳可昀(2011):失智老人專業照護者網路教育方案之建置與推廣。100年度國科會醫學教育學門研究計畫成果討論會手冊,主題:心理,頁30-35。民100年9月18日,台北,台灣大學醫學院。
  23. 施陳美津、張哲豪、林玲伊、蔡景仁、陳志弘、張文芸(2011):醫療專業成員及病人對職能治療的認識、認同、團隊合作現況與服務需求。100年度國科會醫學教育學門研究計畫成果討論會手冊,主題:心理,頁30-35。民100年9月18日,台北,台灣大學醫學院。
  24. 2011/06/17 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「2011年全國失智症家屬照顧技巧訓練班」擔任授課講者,講授「認識失智症及其症狀」。
  25. 2011/06/17 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「2011年全國失智症家屬照顧技巧訓練班」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症常見問題行為及處置方式」。
  26. 2011/03/22 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「100年度失智症教育推廣人才種子培訓計畫(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「人際關係與溝通」。
  27. 2011/03/22 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「100年度失智症教育推廣人才種子培訓計畫(南區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症溝通與演練」。
  28. 2011/01/04 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「100年度失智症教育推廣人才種子培訓計畫(北區)」擔任授課講者,講授「人際關係與溝通」。
  29. 2011/01/04 失智老人社會福利基金會辦理之「100年度失智症教育推廣人才種子培訓計畫(北區)」擔任授課講者,講授「失智症溝通與演練」。
  30. 張文芸、王靜枝、林郁茹、陳可昀 (2010,9月)‧失智專業照護線上學習網站之評價與修正‧於台灣護理學會主辦,第廿六次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流‧台中:中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳。
  31. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Dementia care. Paper session presented at the Long Term Care Workshop. Kaohsiung, Taiwan Nurse Association.
  32. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Long term care planning. Paper session presented at the Long Term Care Workshop. Kaohsiung, Taiwan Nurse Association.
  33. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Nonpharmarcologic interventions for the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. Paper session presented at the Dementia Care Conference. Taipei, Taiwan Institution Association.
  34. Cheng, W. Y., Wang, J. J., Lin, Y. J., & Chen, K. Y. (2010). Evaluate and Reform a Web-Based Education Program for Professional Caregivers of Elder with Dementia. Paper session presented at the 26th Annual Nursing Research Conference. Taiwan: TaiChung.


(三)Conference Papers:

  1. Cheng, WY. , Wang, J. J., Chen, K. Y., Kao, A. W., Hsueh, K. H., Kou, S. E., & Pai, M. C. (2013). Evaluation of a carer training project for the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. The 28th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Taipei, Taiwan, from 18 – 20 April, 2013
  2. Cheng, W. Y., Chen, K. Y., Hsueh, K. H., & Kou, S. E. (2013). Nursing careproviders’ nursing strategies for the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: A nationwide study. The 28th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Taipei, Taiwan, from 18 – 20 April, 2013.
  3. Cheng, W. Y., & Chen, K. Y., Hsueh, K. H., & Kou, S. E. (2013). Application of Kolb’s learning style theory for dementia caregiving education. The 28th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Taipei, Taiwan, from 18 – 20 April, 2013.
  4. Chen-Sea, M.-J., Chang, J.-H., Lin, L. Y., Cheng, W. Y., Chen, C. H., Tsai, J. J., Lin, C. H., &Liao, S.T. (2011, June). Perceptions of Nursing and Medical Students on Occupational Therapy. Poster presented at the USM International Nursing Conference 2011, Kota Bharu, Malaysia. [Best Poster Presentation Award]
  5. Cheng, W. Y. (2011). Developing an E-learning website for caring elders with dementia: methodological triangulation for learning content map. The 26th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Toronto, Canada, from 26 – 29 March 2011.
  6. Cheng, W. Y. (2011). The health profile of elders with dementia in community. The 26th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Toronto, Canada, from 26 – 29 March 2011.
  7. Cheng, W. Y. (2011). Correlations among primary family caregivers’ quality of life and care recipient’s dementing status in community. The 26th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Toronto, Canada, from 26 – 29 March 2011.
  8. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Oriental Perceptions and Daily Managements among Family Caregivers toward Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in Taiwan. The 11th Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, Oct7-8. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  9. Cheng, W. Y., Wang, J. J., & Lin, Y. J. (2010). Stress and Impact among Family Caregivers of Elders with Dementia in Southern Taiwan. The 16th Qualitative Health Research Conference. Oct3-5. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  10. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Application of the KAP model to predict nurses' job satisfaction and caregiving stress: A national study of dementia education program. The 25th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International. Thessaloniki, Greece from 10 – 13 March 2010.
  11. Cheng, W. Y. (2010). Application effects of walking program for cognitively impaired elders in Taiwan long-term care facility. The 25th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International. Thessaloniki, Greece from 10 – 13 March 2010.
  12. Cheng, W. Y. & Huang, C. C. (2010). Group Activity Therapy for elders with dementia in rehabilitation ward. The 25th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International, March 10-13. Thessaloniki, Greece.
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