Yen, Miaofen Publications
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Yen, Miaofen Publications

Journal Article
1. 謝昕妤、許玉雲、柯乃熒、*顏妙芬(2020).護理教育於新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情的因應策略.護理雜誌,67(3),96–101。通訊作者。
Hsieh, H. Y., Hsu, Y. Y., Ko, N. Y., & *Yen, M. (2020). Nursing education strategies during the COVID-19 epidemic. The Journal of Nursing, 67(3), 96–101. *Corresponding author.
2. 許玉雲、張瑩如、顏妙芬、王靜枝、柯乃熒(2020).國際護理教育的社會影響力.護理雜誌,67(2),22–26。
Hsu, Y. Y., Chang, Y. J., Yen, M., Wang, J. J., & Ko, N. Y. (2020). Social impacts of international nursing education. The Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 22–26.
3. Sastra, L., Büssing, A., Chen, C. H., Yen, M., & Lin, E. C. (2020). Spiritual needs and influencing factors of Indonesian Muslims with cancer during hospitalization. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13, 1043659620908926. doi: 10.1177/1043659620908926.
4. Lin, Z., & Yen, M. (2019). Hearing loss is a risk factor of disability in older adults: a systematic review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 85, 103907. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2019.103907. *Corresponding author.
5. Natashia, D., *Yen, M., Chen, H. M., & Fetzer, S. J. (2019). Self-Management Behaviors in Relation to Psychological Factors and Interdialytic Weight Gain Among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Indonesia. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12464. *Corresponding author
6. Herlianita, R., Yen, M., Chen, C. H., Fetzer, S. J., & Lin, E. C. L. (2018). Perception of spirituality and spiritual care among Muslim nurses in Indonesia. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(2), 762-773.
7. 陳怡君、*顏妙芬(2017)·探討住院病人跌倒傷害的危險因子·醫務管理期刊,18(2),124-143。通訊作者
Chen, Y. C., & *Yen, M. (2017). Exploring risk factors for injuries due to falls among hospitalized patients. Journal of Healthcare Management, 18(2), 124-143. *Corresponding author.
8. Lee, H. F., & *Yen, M. (2017). Nurse burnout in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing and Women’s Healthcare, 2, 1-5. *Corresponding author.
9. Lin, L. C., Lee, H. F., & *Yen, M. (2017). Establishing a Measurement Tool for a Nursing Work Environment in Taiwan. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 31(1), 75-88. *Corresponding author.
10. 張友駿、*顏妙芬(2016)•解密楊桃:與腎臟的糾葛•台灣家庭醫學雜誌,26(4),228-234。通訊作者
Chang, Y. C., & *Yen, M. (2016). The secret of star fruit and kidney. Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine, 26(4), 228-234. *Corresponding author.
11. Chang, Y. C., *Yen, M., Chang, S. M., & Liu Y. M. (2016). Exploring the relationship between nursing hours per patient day and mortality rate of hospitalized patients in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(2), 85-92. *Corresponding author.
12. *顏妙芬、李佩玉、蔡惠貞(2016).重要關鍵人幫忙關係於慢性腎臟病患照護-策略及應用.護理雜誌,63(2),19–25。通訊作者
*Yen, M., Lee, P. Y., & Tsai, H. C. (2016). Applying the strategies of helping relationship from significant others in patient with chronic kidney disease. The Journal of Nursing, 63(2), 19-25. *Corresponding author.
13. Chao, S. M., *Yen, M., Lin, T. C., Sung, J. M., Wang, M. C., & Hung, S. Y. (2016). Psychometric Properties of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (KDQOL-36). Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(8), 1067-1082. *Corresponding author.
14. Shen, S. H., *Yen, M. Yang, S. L., & Lee, C. Y. (2015). Insomnia, anxiety, and heart rate variability among nurses working different shift systems in Taiwan. Nursing and Health Sciences, 18(2), 223-229. *Corresponding author.
15. Lee, H. F., *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., & Chien, T. W. (2015). Predictors of burnout among nurses in Taiwan. Community Mental Health Journa, 51(1), 733-737. *Corresponding author.
16. Kuo, Y. W., *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., Chian, L. C., Shyu, Y. I., Lee, T. H., & Ma, H. I. (2015). A Home-Based Training Program Improves Family Caregivers’ Oral Care Practices with Stroke Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 13(2), 1-7. *Corresponding author.
17. Kuo, Y. W., *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., Chian, L. C., & Lee, J. D. (2015). Effect of family caregiver oral care training on stroke survivor oral and respiratory health in Taiwan: a randomised controlled trial. Community Dental Health, 32, 1-6. *Corresponding author.
18. Lin, E. C. L., Shao, W. C., Yang, H. J., Yen, M., Lee, S. Y., Wu, P. C., & Lu, R. B. (2015). Is abnormal non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol a gender-specific predictor for metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia taking second-generation antipsychotics? Metabolic Brain Disease, 30(1), 107-113.
19. Lee, H. F., *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., & Chien, T. W. (2015). Predictors of burnout among nurses in Taiwan. Community Mental Health Journal, 51(1), 733-737. *Corresponding author. 
20. 岳芳如、柯乃熒、*顏妙芬(2014).以系統性文獻回顧探討遠紅外線維護血液透析患者自體動靜脈瘻管之成效.護理雜誌,61(6),78–86。通訊作者
Yueh, F. R., Ko, N. Y., & Yen, M. (2014). The effectiveness of far-infrared therapy in hemodialysis patients with arteriovenous fistula: A systematic review. The Journal of Nursing, 61(6), 78–86. *Corresponding author.
21. Kuo, Y. W., & *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., & Lee, J. D. (2013). Tooth brushing versus tooth brushing plus tongue cleaning in reducing halitosis and tongue coating: A systematic and meta-analysis. Nursing Research, 62 (6), 422-429. *Corresponding author.
22. 許士茵、*顏妙芬、王明誠、陳麗光(2013)‧慢性腎臟疾病之中年男性患者的生活經驗探討‧護理雜誌,60(5),64-72。通訊作者
Hsu, S. Y., *Yen, M., Wang, M. C., Chen, L. K. (2013). Exploring the Lived Experiences of Middle-Aged Males Diagnosed With Chronic Kidney Disease. The Journal of Nursing, 60(5), 64-72. *Corresponding author.
23. Teng, H. L., *Yen, M. (2013). Effects of targeted interventions on lifestyle modifications of CKD patients: randomized-controlled trial. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35(9), 1107-1127. *Corresponding author.
24. Lee, H. F., Chien, C.W., & *Yen, M. (2013). Examining factor structure of MaslachBurnout Inventory for nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Management,21(4) , 648-656. *Corresponding author.
25. Huang, J. J., Lin, H. S., Yen, M., Kan, W. M., Lee, B. O. & Chen, C. H. (2013).Effects of a workplace multiple cardiovascular disease risks reduction program. Asian Nursing Research,7,(2)74-82.
26. 莊孟蓉、*顏妙芬(2012)‧探討臺灣護理人員工作負荷與滿意度之關係‧寶建醫護與管理雜誌,10 (1),45-55。通訊作者
Chuang, M. J. & Yen, M. (2012). Exploring the Relationships of Workload and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Taiwan.  Pao-Chien Journal of Healthcare and Management, 10 (1), 45-55. *Corresponding author.
27. 黃維珍、*顏妙芬(2012)‧探討護理工作負荷與住院病人護理照護滿意度之關係‧寶建醫護與管理雜誌,10(1),56-69。通訊作者
Huang, W. J. & Yen, M. (2012). Exploring the Relationship between Nursing Workload and Patient Satisfaction. Pao-Chien Journal of Healthcare and Management, 10 (1), 56-69. *Corresponding author.
28. 林儀貞、陳清惠、*顏妙芬(2012)‧慢性病失能老人整體性照護需求探討‧長庚護理雜誌,23(3),300-312。*通訊作者
Lin, Y. C., Chen, C. H., *Yen, M. (2012, September). Exploring the care needs of disabled elders with chronic conditions. Chang Gung Nursing, 23(3), 300-312. *Corresponding author. 
29. Yu, T. H., Yang, W. C., & Yen, M. (2012). Nursing experience of applying self-regulation theory to fluid and phosphorus control in a patient with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association, 11(1), 73-84.
30. 顏妙芬、林姿佳、楊文中(2011).慢性腎臟病患者生活品質測量的省思與展望.護理雜誌,58(2),5-9。
Yen, M., Lin, T. C., & Yang, W. C. (2011). Measuring quality of life in chronic kidney disease patients: Reflections and prospects. The Journal of Nursing, 58(2), 5-9.
31. Teng, H. L., & *Yen, M. (2010). Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile-II : The Chines version short form. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(8), 1864–1873. *Corresponding author. SSCI Category: Nursing. Rank: 5/59. 8.5%
32. Kuo, Y. W, *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., & Lee, J. D. (2010). Reducing the pain of nasogastric tube intubation with nebulized and atomized lidocaine: A systematic and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 40(4), 613-620. *Corresponding author.
33. Hwang, S. Y., *Yen, M., Lee, B. O., Huang, M. C., & Tseng, H. F. (2010). A critical thinking disposition scale for nurses: Short form. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(21-22), 3171-3176. *Corresponding author.
34. Lee, H. F., Lin, S. C., Lu, C. L., Chen, C. F., & *Yen, M. (2010). APACHE II as a predictor of neurosurgery ICU readmission: A case controlled study. Journal of Critical Care, 25, 294-299.  *Corresponding author.
35. 林儀貞、*顏妙芬、陳清惠(2010)‧以實證護理探討老人便秘之處置‧護理雜誌,57(4),95-99。*通訊作者
Lin, Y. C., *Yen, M., & Chen, C. H. (2010). Managing constipation in the elderly: An evidence-based approach. The Journal of Nursing, 57(4), 95-99. *Corresponding author.
36. 楊文中、鄧秀蘭、*顏妙芬(2010)‧以實證探討慢性腎臟病低蛋白飲食成效‧台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,審查通過可刊登。*通訊作者
Yang, W. C., Teng. H. L., & *Yen, M. (2010). Effects of low protein diet with chronic kidney disease: An evidence-based approach. Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nursing Association, 9(2), 22-33.*Corresponding author.
37. 方思婷、*顏妙芬、林慈恩、曾弘富、林喻東(2010)‧臨床路徑護理活動工時之分析-以一般外科為例‧榮總護理雜誌,27(1),20-28。*通訊作者
Fang, S. T., *Yen, M., Lin, T. E., Tseng, H. F., & Lin, Y. D. (2010). Working hours analysis for  nursing activities. Veteran Nursing, 27(1), 20-28. *Corresponding author.
38. 黃貞惠、*顏妙芬(2009)‧過渡期的概念分析‧榮總護理,26(1),90-94。*通訊作者。
Huang, C. H. & Yen, M. (2009). Concept analysis of transition. Veteran Nursing, 26(1), 90-94.
39. Hsieh, H. F., Wang, J. J, Yen, M., Liu, T. (2009). Educational support group in changing caregivers’ psychological elder abuse behavior toward caring for institutionalized elders. Advances in Health Science Education, 14, 377-386.
40. Wang, J. J., Yen, M., & OuYang, W. C. (2009). Group reminiscence intervention in Taiwanese elders with dementia. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49, 227-232.
41. 顏妙芬、郭蓁蓁(2009)‧護理資料庫建置與評估‧護理雜誌,56(3),23-28。
Yen, M., & Kuo, C. C. (2009). Development and evaluation of a nursing database. Journal of Nursing, 56(3), 23-28.
42. 邱慧禛、*顏妙芬、陳清惠、陳立祥、(2009)‧探討慢性腎臟疾病網站品質現況‧護理暨健康照護研究,5(2),129-139。*通訊作者。
Chiu, H. C., Yen, M., Chen, C. H., & Chen, L. S. (2009). Exploring the quality of chronic kidney disease websites. Nursing and Health Science Research, 5(2), 129-139.
43. Chen, C. H., *Yen, M., Fetzer, S., Lo, L. H., & Lam, P. (2008). The effects of Tai Chi exercise on elders with osteoarthritis: A longitudinal study. Asian Nursing Research, 2(4), 222-228. *Corresponding author.
44. Yen, M., Huang, J. J., & Teng, H. L. (2008). Education for patients with chronic kidney disease in Taiwan: A prospective repeated measures study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(21), 2927-2934.
45. 洪佩瑜、*顏妙芬、張瑩如、蔡佩珊(2008)‧不同呼吸法操作誘導型肺計量器對心臟手術後病患肺功能及心率變異之影響‧實證護理,4(3),222-232。*通訊作者。
Hung, P. Y., Yen, M., Chang, Y. J., & Tsai, P. S. (2008). The effects of different incentive spirometry breathing methods on pulmonary function and heart rate variability in patients after cardiac surgery. Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing, 4 (3), 222-232.
46. Lin, P. J., *Yen, M., & Fetzer, S. (2008). Quality of life in elders living alone in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(12), 1610-1617. *Corresponding author.
47. Chen, C. H., Wu, J. R., & *Yen, M., Chen, Z. C. (2007). A model of medication taking behavior in elderly individuals with chronic disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(5), 359-365. *Corresponding author.
48. Chen, C. H., Ma, H. J., *Yen, M., Li, S. F., Liu, L. C. (2007). Evaluation of atelephonecall service for ambulatory surgery patients in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 22(3), 286-288. *Corresponding author.
49. Kuo, C. H. & *Yen, M. (2006). The cross-mapping of ICNP terms with Taiwanese gynecological nursing records. The Journal of Nursing Research, 14(4), 271-278。
50. 陳明惠、陳清惠、顏妙芬(2006)‧接受經皮冠狀動脈血管成型術之出院病患健康生活形態之探討‧實證護理,2(3),210-218。
Chen, M. H., Chen, C. H., & Yen, M. (2006, September). An exploration of healthy lifestyle factors in percutaneous coronary intervention patients following discharge. Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing, 2 (3), 210-218.
51. Yen, M., Huang, M. C., & Chen, C. H. (2006). Translation and testing a patient assessment of hospital care questionnaire in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(2), 178-179.
52. 唐善美、駱麗華、顏妙芬、蔡惟全(2006)‧探討心導管檢查前病人焦慮及心率變異之關係‧實證護理,2(1),53-60。
Tang, S. M., Lo, L. H., Yen, M., & Tsai, W. C. (2006). The relationship between anxiety and heart rate variability in patients receiving cardiac catheterization. Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing, 2 (1), 53-60.
53. 吳淑華、陳清惠、顏妙芬(2006)‧探討第二型糖尿病患者轉換胰島素注射治療過程之促進與阻礙因素‧實證護理,2(1),14-23。
Wu, S. H., Chen, C. H., & Yen, M. (2006). An exploration of facilitators and inhibitors in relatin to switching to insulin injection by patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing, 2 (1), 14-23.
54. 顏妙芬、方思婷(2006)‧危機管理中領導者特質之應用‧護理雜誌,53(1),5-9。
Yen, M., & Fang, S. T. (2006). Eight characteristics of leaders in crisis management. The Journal of Nursing, 53(1), 5-9.
55. 郭春花、顏妙芬(2006)‧臨床護理危機管理:案例解析‧護理雜誌,53(1),22-26。
Kuo, C. H., & Yen, M. (2006). Crisis management in clinical nursing practice: A case analysis. The Journal of Nursing, 53(1), 22-26.
56. 沈淑華、沈秀娟、張達人、顏妙芬(2005)‧社區慢性精神病患主要照顧者心理衛生教育需求之探討‧健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌,25,89-108。
Shen, S. H., Shen, H. C., Chang, T. J. & Yen, M. (2005). Psycho-educational needs of caredgivers care for psychiatric patients in the community. Health Promotion & Health Education Journal, 25, 89-108.
57. 林雁秋、*顏妙芬(2005)‧慢性腎病患者求醫行為之探討‧實證護理,1(4),263-272。*通訊作者
Lin, Y. C & Yen, M. (2005). A study of the health care seeking behaviors of chronic kidney disease patients. Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing, 1 (4), 263-272.
58. Chou, S. M., Chen, T. F., Woodard, B., & Yen, M. (2005). Using SERVQUAL to evaluate quality disconfirmation of nursing service in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research, 13(2), 75-84.
59. Yen, M. & Lo, L. H. (2004). A model for testing the relationship of nursing care and patient outcomes. Nursing Economics, 22(2), 75-80.
60. Kuo, C. H., *Yen, M. & Lin, P. C. (2004). Developing an instrument to measure quality of life of patients with hyperhidrosis. Journal of Nursing Research, 12(1), 21-30. *corresponding author
61. 林雁秋、*顏妙芬(2003)‧協助一位急性腎衰竭母親面臨新生兒死亡的護理經驗‧慈濟護理,2(2),90-96。*通訊作者
Lin, Y. C & Yen, M. (2003). Caring for a patient with acute renal failure experiencing a died new born baby. Tze Chi Nursing Journal, 2 (2), 90-96.
62. 林雁秋、*顏妙芬(2003)‧末期腎疾病患者接受透析治療的調適過程‧台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,2(2),186-192。*通訊作者
Lin, Y. C & Yen, M. (2003). The Coping Process of End-Stage Renal Disease Patients with Dialysis Treatment. Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nursing Association, 2(2), 186-192.
63. Chou, S. M., Tang, F. I., Teng, Y. C., & Yen, M. (2003). Faculty’s perceptions of humanistic teaching in nursing baccalaureate programs. Journal of Nursing Research, 11(1), 57-64.
64. Chao, C. S., Chen, C. H., & Yen, M. (2002). The essence of spirituality of terminally ill patients. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(4), 237-245.
65. 楊茹萍、*顏妙芬、張秀蘭‧(2002)‧緩解一位主要照顧者身、心、社會負荷的護理經驗‧護理雜誌,49(6),89-94。*通訊作者
Yang, R. P., Yen, M. & Chang, S. L. (2002). Experience on relieving burdens of care for a primary caregiver. The Journal of Nursing, 49(6), 89-94.)
66. 陳清惠、顏妙芬‧(2002)‧太極拳運動對慢性疾病症狀控制之成效‧護理雜誌,49(5),22-27。
67. Chen, C. H. & Yen, M. (2002). The effects of Tai Chi on symptom control in patients with chronic illness. The Journal of Nursing, 49(5), 22-27.)
Yen, M., Chen, C. H., & Chou, S. M. (2002) Concerns of hospitalized care from patients’ perspectives. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(2), 121-128.
68. 周守民、顏妙芬‧(2002,)‧資訊時代中的臨床路徑發展‧台灣醫學,6(2),251-255。
Chou, S. M. & Yen, M. (2002). The development of clinical pathway in the information age. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 6(2), 251-255.)
69. Yen, M., & Lo, L. H. (2002). Examining test-retest reliability: An intra-class correlation approach. Nursing Research 51(1), 59-62.
70. 顏妙芬、佘慧玲‧(2002)‧進階‧於左如梅等合著,護理行政學(pp. 162-172)台北:偉華。
71. 顏妙芬、佘慧玲‧(2002)‧決策‧於左如梅等合著,護理行政學(pp. 231-242)台北:偉華。
72. 顏妙芬、周守民‧(2001)‧資訊時代中的個案管理‧護理雜誌,48(3),33-37。
Yen, M. & Chou, S. M. (2001). Case management in the information age. The Journal of Nursing, 48(3), 33-37.
73. 謝紅桂、*顏妙芬‧(2001)‧不予心肺復甦之探討‧護理雜誌,48(3),75-78。*通訊作者
Hsieh, H. K. & Yen, M. (2001). Considerations on the issue of Do-Not-Resuscitate. The Journal of Nursing, 48(3), 75-78.)
74. Yen, M., & Edwardson, S. R. (1999t). Item response theory approach in scale development. Nursing Research, 48(4), 234-238.
75. Snyder, M. & Yen, M. (1995). The advanced practice nurse. In M. Snyder & M. Mirr(editors), Advanced practice nursing (p. 3-23). NY: Springer.
76. Wang, J., Yen, M., & Snyder, M. (1995). Constraints and perspectives of advanced practice nursing in Taiwan, R.O.C. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 9(5), 252-255.
77. Hung, J., Huang, T., Wu, D., Yen, M., Tsai, S., Dahl, H. P., Neaton, J., and Dahl, J. C. (1990). The impact of dietary sodium, potassium and calcium on blood pressure. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 89(1), 17-22.
Conference Paper(in five years)
1. Yen, M. & Hsieh, L. W. (2019, Aug). Developing Objectives to Improve Leadership Competence for Graduate Students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Association for Medical Education in Europe, Aug, 24 - Aug, 28, Vienna, Austria.
2. Hsieh, H. Y. & Yen, M. (2019, Jun). Health literacy among patients with chronic kidney diseases: a systematic review. Paper presented at the International Council of Nurses Congress, Jun, 27 - Jul, 01, Singapore.
3. Yen, M. (2019, Apr). Care of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Research Trajectory. Invited Keynote Speech at the 10th International Nursing Conference, Apr, 6 - Apr, 7, Airlangga, Indonesia.
4. Yen, M. (2018, Oct). Educators and Nurses are Hand in Hand: Health Professional Education. Invited Symposium Speech at the 7th International Nursing Management Conference Program, Oct, 25 - Oct, 27, Bodrum, Turkey.
5. Yen, M. (2018, Oct). Threading Objectives of Leadership Competences into Nursing Curriculum: Implementation and Evaluation. Invited Keynote Speech at the 7th International Nursing Management Conference Program, Oct, 25 - Oct, 27, Bodrum, Turkey.
6. Yen, M. (2018, Aug). Evaluating leadership competence among college nursing students. Paper presented at 4th World Nursing & Healthcare Conference, Aug, 20 - Aug, 22, Rome, Italy.
7. Febriani, D. H., & Yen, M. (2018, Apr). Exploring Health Literacy among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia: a pilot study. Oral presented at The 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education, Apr, 18- Apr, 20, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
8. Natashia, D., Yen, M., Chen, H. M., & Fetzer. S. J. (2018, Apr). Self-management behaviors in relation to psychological factors and interdialytic weight gain among patients undergoing hemodialysis in Indonesia. Oral presented at The 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education, Apr, 18- Apr, 20, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
9. Yen, M. (2017, Sep). Improving leadership competences for nursing students: Objectives development, implementation and evaluation. Oral presented at 2017 Ministry of Science and Technology on CHANG YUNG-FA FOUNDATION International Convention Center, September, 30, Taipei, Taiwan.
10. Hsieh, H. Y., & Yen, M. (2017, Sep). Effect of Acupressure on Pruritus among Patient with Hemodialysis. Paper presented at World Congress on Nursing & Nurse Education Conference, Sep, 07 - Sep, 09, Rome, Italy.
11. Yeh, C. L., & Yen, M. (2017, Sep). Exploring the Trajectories of Fatigue in Colon Cancer Patients after Chemotherapy. Paper presented at World Congress on Nursing & Nurse Education Conference, Sep, 07 - Sep, 09, Rome, Italy.
12. Yen, M., & Chao, S. M. (2017, July). Helping Relationships Intervention Enhances Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Quality of Life. Paper presented at 28th International Research Congress, July, 27- July, 31, Dublin, Ireland.
13. Chen, H. T., & Yen, M. (2017, July). Developing Clinical Guidelines to Improve Home Care for Patients after Prostatectomy. Paper presented at 28th International Research Congress, July, 27- July, 31, Dublin, Ireland.
14. Lin, T. C., & Yen, M. (2017, July). Association Between Age-Related Hearing Loss and Disability in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Oral presented at 28th International Research Congress, July, 27- July, 31, Dublin, Ireland.
15. Yen, M. (2017, July). Improving Teaching Integration between Academic and Nursing Practice: Roles of Clinical Educators. Paper presented at 23rd World Nursing and Healthcare Conference (WNHC), July, 10- July, 12, Berlin, Germany.
16. Yen, M., Wang, J. J., & Lin, H. C. (2017, Mar). Evaluations of an International Advanced Program in Nursing. Paper presented at The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), March, 09- March, 10, Hong Kong, China.
17. Yen, M (2016, Jun). Leadership Competence: Developing Teaching Objectives for Undergraduate Nursing Programs in Taiwan. Paper presented at The European Conference on Education, June, 29- July04, Brighton, United Kingdom.
18. Tsai, H. C., & Yen, M (2016, Jun). Learning Through Social Changes: The Associations Between Helping Relationships from Significant Others and Healthy Lifestyle Among Patients with Chronic Disease. Paper presented at The European Conference on Education, June, 29- July04, Brighton, United Kingdom.
19. Lee, P. Y., & Yen, M. (2016, Jun). Developing Teaching Strategies to Improve the Helping Relationship Between Significant Others and Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease for Promoting Health. Paper presented at The European Conference on Education, June, 29- July04, Brighton, United Kingdom.
20. Yen, M. (2015, Jul.). Measuring Helping Relationships in Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Paper presented at Sigma Theta Tau International’s 26th International Nursing Research Congress, July, 23-27, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
21. Yen, M. (2015, Feb.). Breaking Down English Barriers: Building Up a Teaching Model. Paper presented at International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Society, February 03-05, Tokyo, Japan.
22. Lee, H. F. (2015, Feb.). The Effects of Coping Strategies on Improving Nurse Burnout: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Paper presented at 6th International Nursing Management Conference, February 03-05, Tokyo, Japan.
23. Chen, P. J. (2015, Feb.) Improving the Completeness of Post-NG Tube Insertion Nursing Instruction in Internal Medicine Wards. Paper presented at 6th International Nursing Management Conference, February 03-05, Tokyo, Japan.
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