Chen, Ching-Huey Publications
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Chen, Ching-Huey Publications



  1. Ma, H. J., Yen, M., & Chen, C. H. (2015). Determinants of the Medication Adherence Behavior Among Elderly Patients With Coronary Heart Diseases. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(7) , 38-43. Correspondent author 2015.04.27 online
  2. Hu, F. W., Chang, C. M., Tsai, C. H., & Chen, C. H. (2015). Exploring initial inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalised older patients in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(11-12), 1656-1665. Correspondent author (SSCI)
  3. Hu, F.W., Yang, D. C., Huang, C. C., *Chen, C. H., & Chang, C. M. (2014). Inappropriate use of urinary catheters among hospitalized elderly patients: Clinician awareness is key. Manuscript accepted by Geriatrics & Gerontology International. Correspondent author (SSCI)  
  4. Huang, J. J., Lin, H. S., Lee, B. O., & *Chen, C. H. (2014). Perceived exercise barriers and their associations with regular exercise across three age groups of rural women in Taiwan. Manuscript accepted by Journal of Women & AgingCorrespondent author (SSCI)  
  5.  Li, Y. P., Lin, S. I., & *Chen, C. H. (2014). The relationships between activity and quality of life for older men and women at different ages in Taiwan. Journal of Women & Aging,26(3), 219-237. Correspondent author.  Correspondent author (SSCI)  
  6. Huang, H. T., Chuang, Y. H., Hsueh, Y. H., Lin, P. C., Lee, B. O., & *Chen, C. H. (2014). Depression in older residents with stroke who live in long-term care facilities. Journal of Nursing Research,22(2),111-118.  Correspondent author (SSCI)  
  7. Li, Y. P., Chen, Y. M., & *Chen, C. H. (2013).Volunteer transitions and physical and psychological health among older adults in Taiwan. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68(6), 997-1008. Correspondent author (SSCI)  
  8. Lin, M. L., Huang, C. T., Chiang, H. H., & *Chen, C. H. (2013).Exploring ethical aspect of elective surgery patients' decision-making experiences. Nursing Ethics,20(6), 672-83. Correspondent author (SSCI)  
  9. Kan, W. M., Chao, C. S., Lin, S. J., Chen, C. H., Feng, J. Y., Lu, F. H., Lin, P. C., & Ho, T. S. (2013).Thanatology for Medical College Students – Cultivation of Medical Humanity. Journal of Medical Education, 17(3), 97-106. (Taiwan)  
  10. Huang, J. J., Lin, H. S., Yen, M., Kan, W. M., & *Chen, C. H. (2013). Effects of a workplace multiple cardiovascular disease risks reduction program. Asian Nursing Research, 7(2), 74-82. Correspondent author (SSCI) 
  11. Yang, W. P., Chao, C. S., Lai, W. S., Chen, C. H., Shih, Y. L., & Chiu, G. L. (2013). Building a bridge for nursing education and clinical care in Taiwan — Using action research and Confucian tradition to close the gap. Nurse Education Today, 33(3), 199-204. (SSCI) 
  12. Huang, H. T., Chang, C. M., Liu, L. F., Lin, H. S., & *Chen, C. H. (2013). Trajectories and predictors of functional decline of hospitalised elderly patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(9-10), 1322-1331. Corresponding author (SSCI) 
  13. Kuo, C. C., Lin, C. C., Lin, S. Y., Yang, Y. H., Chang, C. S., & Chen, C.H. (2013).Effects of self-regulation protocol on physiological and psychological measures in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(19-20), 2800-2811. (SSCI)
  14. Yeh, L., Fetzer, S. J., Chen, S.Y., Lu, F. H., Chuang, C. H., & *Chen, C. H. (2013). Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement: Caregiver decision making in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 112(2), 99-104. Correspondent author (SCI) 
  15. Lin, M. L., Pang, S. M. C., & *Chen, C. H. (2013). Family as a whole: Elective surgery patients' perception of the meaning of family involvement in decision making in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(1-2) 271-278. Correspondent author (SSCI) 
  16. Lai, W. S., Chao, C. S., Yang, W. P., Liu, H. C., & Chen, C. H. (2013).“Does One Size Fit All?” Exploring the cultural applicability of NANDA nursing diagnoses to chinese nursing practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 24(1), 43-50. (SSCI)  
  17. Lin, M. L., Kan, W. M., & *Chen, C. H. (2012). Patients’ perceptions and expectations of family participation in the informed consent process of elective surgery in Taiwan. Asian Nursing Research, 6(2), 55-59. Correspondent author (SSCI) 
  18. Kan, W. M., Lin, L. L., Lin, C. H., & *Chen, C. H. (2012). Effect of Interdisciplinary small group for teaching bioethics: Program evaluation. Journal of Medical Education, 16(1), 39-46. Correspondent author (Chinese) 
  19. Liu, C. H., Lee, J. C.,& *Chen, C. H. (2011). Rehabilitation exercise on the quality of life in anal sphincter-preserving surgery. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 58(110-111), 1491-1495. Corresponding author (SCI) 
  20. Lin, S. Y., Fetzer, S. J., Lee, P. C., & *Chen, C. H. (2011). Predicting adherence to health care recommendations using health promotion behaviors in kidney transplant recipients within 1-5 years post-transplant. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(23-24), 3313-3321. Corresponding author (SSCI) 
  21. Li, Y. P., Lin, S. I. &.*Chen, C. H. (2011). Gender differences in the relationship of social activity and quality of life in community-dwelling Taiwanese elders. Journal of Women & Aging, 23(4), 305-320. Corresponding author (SSCI) 
  22. Kwan, M.M. S., Lin, S.I., Chen, C.H., Close, JCT. & Lord, S.R. (2011). Minimal chair height standing ability is independently associated with falls in taiwanese older people. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(7), 1080-1085. (SCI)  
  23. Kwan, M. M. S., Lin, S. I., Chen, C.H., Close, JCT. & Lord, S. R. (2011). Sensorimotor function, balance abilities and pain influence timed up and go performance in older community living-people. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 23(3), 196-201. (SCI) 
  24. Lai, W. S., Chao, C. S., Yang, W. P., & Chen, C. H. (2010). Efficacy of guided imagery with theta music for advanced cancer patients with dyspnea: A pilot study. Biological Research for Nursing, 12(2),188-97. (SCI)  
  25. Yeh, L., Lo, L. H., Fetzer, S., &*Chen, C. H. (2010). Limited PEG tube use: the experience of long-term care directions. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(19-20), 2897-2906. Correspondent author (SSCI) 
  26. Yang, W. P., Chen, C. H., Chao, C. S. & Lai, W. S. (2010). Bioethics education for practicing nurses in Taiwan: Confucian-western clash. Nursing Ethics, 17(4), 511-521. (SSCI)  
  27. Sheu, S. J., Wei, I. L., Chen, C. H., Yu, S., & Tang, F. I. (2009). Using snowball sampling method with nurses to understand medication administration errors. Journal of Clinical Nursing,18(4),559-569. (SSCI)  
  28. Shih, F. J., Lin, H. R., Gau, M. L., Chen, C. H., Hsiao, S. M., Shih, S. N.,& Sheu, S. J.(2009).Spiritual needs of Taiwan's older patients with terminal cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(1), E31-E38. (SCI)  
  29. Chen, C. H., Yen, M., Fetzer, S., Lo, L. H., & Lam, P. (2008). The effects of Tai Chi exercise on elders with osteoarthritis: A longitudinal study. Asian Nursing Research, 2(4), 235-241. (SSCI) 
  30. Chen, C. H., Wu, J. R., Yen, M., & Chen, Z. C. (2007). A model of medication taking behavior in elderly individuals with chronic disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(5), 359-365. (SSCI)  
  31. Tang, F. I., Sheu, S. J., Yu, S., Wei, I. L., & Chen, C. H. (2007). Nurses relate the contributing factors involved in medication errors. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(3), 447-457. (SSCI)
  32. Chen, C. H., Ma, H. J., Yen, M., Li, S. F., & Liu, L. C. (2007). Evaluation of a Telephone Call Services for Ambulatory Surgery Patients. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 22(3), 286-288. (SSCI)
  33. Chen, W. C., Chen, C. H., Lee, P. C., & Wang, W. L. (2007). Quality of life, symptom distress, and social support among renal transplant recipients in southern Taiwan: a correlational study. Journal of Nursing Research, 15(4), 319-329. (SSCI) 
  34. Yeh, L., Chen, C. H., Wang, C. J., Wen, M.J., & Fetzer, S.J. (2005). A preliminary study of a healthy-lifestyle-promoting program for nursing students in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Education, 44(12), 563-565. (SSCI) 
  35. Lin, M. C., & Chen, C. H. (2004). An investigation on the nursing comptence of Southern Taiwan nurses who have passed N3 case report accreditation. Journal of Nursing Research, 12(3), 203-212. (SSCI) 
  36. Yeh, L., & Chen, C. H. (2003). Use of home nursing service in Southern Taiwan. Home Health Care Management Practice, 15(5), 439-448. 
  37. Tang, F. I., Sheu, S. J., Chen, C. H., Wang, Y., Lin, S. Z. (2002). A preliminary psychosocial study of Parkinson’s patients after fetal tissue transplantation. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(1), 1-14.  (SSCI)  
  38. Yen, M., Chen, C. H., & Chou, S. M. (2002). Concerns of hospitalized care from patients’ perspectives. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(2), 121-128. (SSCI)  
  39. Lee, Y. Y., *Chen, C. H., & Wang, C. J. (2002). Entry-level skill competency: A comparison of head nurses’ expectations and new graduates’ perceptions. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(3), 217-226. (SSCI)  
  40. Chao, C. S. C., Chen, C. H., & Yen, M.F. (2002). The essence of spirituality of terminally ill patients. Journal of Nursing Research, 10(4), 237-245. (SSCI)  
  41. Shih, F. J., Gau, M. L., Mao, H. C., Chen, C. H., & Kao Lo, C. H. (2001). Empirical validation of a teaching course on spiritual care in Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(3), 333-346. (SSCI) 
  42. Shih, S.N., Shih, F.J., Chen, C.H., & Kao Lo, C.H. (2000). The forgotten faces: The lonely journey of powerlessness experience by elderly Chinese bachelors with heart disease in Taiwan. Geriatric Nursing, 21(5), 254-259. (SSCI) 
  43. Shih, F. J., Gau, M. L., Mao, H. C., & Chen, C. H. (1999). Taiwanese nurses’ appraisal of a lecture on spiritual care for patients in critical care units. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 15(2), 83-94.  



  1. 陳清惠*、胡芳文(2015).建構台灣住院老人留置尿管的監控照護模式.福祉科技與服務管理學刊,3(1),69-78。 
  2. 黃楷雯、胡芳文、張家銘、陳清惠(2014).預防住院高齡者身體功能衰退之臨床運動方案.志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌,13(5),66-75。 
  3. 陳凱莉、*陳清惠(2014).臺灣老人醫療自主權的省思.護理雜誌,61(5),26-32。通訊作者
  4. 標詩婷、胡芳文、張家銘、*陳清惠(2013).高齡老人入院當時導尿管留置狀況之初探.護理暨健康照護研究,9(4),253-260。通訊作者。 
  5. 邱琪雯、胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘(2013).高齡患者出院後健康生活型態之探討.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,8(3),172-185。 
  6. 標詩婷、胡芳文、張家銘、*陳清惠(2013).高齡老人入院當時導尿管留置狀況之初探.護理暨健康照護研究,9(4),253-260。通訊作者。
  7. 胡芳文、陳清惠、張家銘(2013).以實證探討住院老人移除留置尿管處理方案.台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,8(1),1-13。論述文章。 
  8. 林儀貞、陳清惠、顏妙芬(2012)‧慢性病失能老人整體性照護需求探討長庚護理,23(3),300-312 
  9. 黃楷雯、*陳清惠(2012)‧找回生活動力:一位失智老人的護理經驗‧長庚護理,23(1),73-79。通訊作者;個案報告。 
  10. 陳仕瑜、林桑伊、*陳清惠(2012)‧跌倒預防門診病人遵行醫療照護建議之探討‧榮總護理,29(1),1-9。通訊作者。 
  11. 陳仕瑜、陳清惠、白惠文、林桑伊、郭乃文、林麗娟、黃盈翔、楊宜青(2011)‧跌倒預防門診推展經驗─台灣南部某醫學中心之先驅性研究‧台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,6(4),268-282
  12. 胡芳文、廖悅如、*陳清惠(2011)‧運用非藥物措施處理慢性便秘之護理經驗‧長庚護理,22(4),556-565。通訊作者;個案報告。 
  13. 張圓圓、張淑貞、*陳清惠(2011)‧該聽誰的?DNR的決策權‧台灣生命倫理學刊,1,113-122。通訊作者;個案報告。
  14. 張淑貞、*陳清惠、王瑤華(2011)‧無法割捨的愛─面對無效醫療之決策‧台灣生命倫理學刊,1,123-132。通訊作者;個案報告。 
  15. 劉清香、*陳清惠、葉莉莉、李政昌(2011)‧回歸正常重建尊嚴:肛門保留術後排便型態重建之經驗與歷程‧護理雜誌,58(2),31-40。通訊作者。 
  16. 李月萍、*陳清惠(2010)‧社區老人休閒活動研究現況‧護理雜誌,57(1),82-88。通訊作者;論述文章。
  17. 黃郁惠、*陳清惠(2010)‧緩解經皮冠狀動脈介入治療後背痛之照護經驗‧護理雜誌,57(2),75-80。通訊作者;個案報告。 
  18. 林儀貞、顏妙芬、陳清惠(2010)‧以實證護理探討老人便秘之處置‧護理雜誌,57(4),95-99 
  19. 陳仕瑜、*陳清惠、張家銘(2010)‧老年姿態性低血壓之臨床處理方案‧護理雜誌,57(5),89-95。通訊作者。 
  20. 陳清惠*、林秀娟、趙可式、林其和(2010)‧運用多元教學策略於醫學院大一新生「生命倫理學」課程教學之成效‧醫學教育,14(4),251-260。 
  21. 黃惠子、*陳清惠(2009).住院老人功能衰退的危險因素及照護.護理雜誌56(1),85-90。通訊作者;論述文章。 
  22. 葉莉莉、陳清惠(2009).女性主義與護理知識建構.新台北護理期刊11(1),51-60。論述文章。 
  23. 林美伶、葉莉莉、*陳清惠(2009).影響病人參與醫療決策之論述.護理雜誌56(3),83-87。通訊作者;論述文章。
  24. 邱慧禎、顏妙芬、陳清惠、陳立祥(2009).探討慢性腎臟疾病網站品質現況.護理暨健康照護研究5(2),129-139。 
  25. 劉清香、*陳清惠(2008).照顧一位低位直腸癌行肛門保留手術病患之護理經驗.護理雜誌,55(2),98-103。個案報告。通訊作者
  26. 林沄萱、劉淑惠、*陳清惠(2008).靈性護理之臨床應用.護理雜誌,55(3),69-74。通訊作者;論述文章。
  27. 葉莉莉、陳清惠(2008).後現代主義與護理知識建構.護理雜誌,55(4),73-80。論述文章。
  28. 葉莉莉、陳淑音、盧豐華、莊喬雄、*陳清惠(2008).專業攜手合作推廣胃造口─長期管灌病人的最佳選擇.長期照護雜誌12(4),355-360。通訊作者 
  29. 劉清香、*陳清惠(2007).低位直腸癌行肛門括約肌保留手術病患之護理.護理雜誌,54(4),78-82。通訊作者。 
  30. 林雅芳、*陳清惠(2006).運用健康信念模式協助接受經皮冠狀動脈血管成型術後之患者執行規律運動之護理經驗長庚護理,17(4),503-511。通訊作者;個案報告。
  31. 范聖心、*陳清惠(2006).一位肺葉切除術後病患執行肺部復健運動之成效探討長庚護理,17(3),377-387。通訊作者;個案報告。 
  32. 吳淑華、*陳清惠、顏妙芬(2006).探討第二型糖尿病患者轉換胰島素注射治療過程之促進與阻礙因素.實證護理,2(1),14-23。通訊作者 
  33. 蔡奉宏、*陳清惠、顏妙芬、唐福瑩(2006).第二型糖尿病患足部潰瘍之相關因素探討.實證護理,2(2),137-146。通訊作者 
  34. 陳明惠、*陳清惠、顏妙芬(2006).接受經皮冠狀動脈血管成型術之出院病患健康生活型態之探討.實證護理,2(3),210-218。通訊作者 
  35. 賴明亮、陳興星、蔡明哲、陳清惠、葉宗烈 (2006).以問題導向學習於醫科一二年級時教授醫學倫理之初步嘗試.醫學教育,10(3),209-214。 
  36. 李萱、李秀花、陳清惠(2005).一位接受週邊置入中心靜脈導管急性淋巴性白血病患者的護理經驗.護理雜誌,52(2),78-86。個案報告。通訊作者。 
  37. 陳清惠(2004).休閒活動對老年生活之意義.護理雜誌,51(3),15-18。 
  38. 陳清惠(2004).老人營養狀況的評估.護理雜誌,51(5),10-14。 
  39. 黃惠子、馬鳳歧、*陳清惠(2003).護理人員對身體約束的知識、態度、行為及其相關性的探討. 慈濟護理雜誌,2(2),32-41。通訊作者
  40. 陳貞如、李秀現、邱淑貞、*陳清惠(2003).內科病房違反給藥磨粉禁忌現況之初步調查研究.護理雜誌,50(3),71-76。通訊作者
  41. 李靜芳、葉忍莉、王博仁、*陳清惠(2003).揮不去的夢魘-談偏頭痛的照護‧長庚護理,14(2),158-165。通訊作者
  42. 陳明惠、*陳清惠(2003).照顧一位限水病患的護理經驗.長庚護理,14(2),207-214。個案報告,通訊作者
  43. 吳淑華、*陳清惠(2003).協助一位第二型糖尿病患者轉換胰島素治療的護理經驗.長庚護理,14(3),287-294。個案報告,通訊作者
  44. 吳佳蓉、*陳清惠、葉忍莉(2002).老年患者服藥行為影響因素的探討.長庚護理雜誌,13(2),166-174。通訊作者
  45. 陳清惠、顏妙芬(2002).太極拳運動對慢性疾病症狀控制之成效.護理雜誌,49(5),22-27。
  46. 溫敏杰、葉莉莉、金惠民、田玫、陳清惠、陳惠姿(2000).長期照護個案體重之推估.慈濟醫學,12(4),259-265。
  47. 陳清惠(1999).老年人與運動.榮總護理,16(1),7-11。
  48. 陳清惠(1999).國立成功大學護理學系兼任臨床教師制度之推展經驗.領導護理,3(2),6-9。
  49. 高毓秀、黃奕清、陳清惠、孫肇玢(1996).捐血意向決定因素之探討---捐血意向模式之測試.衛生教育雜誌,16,32-40。
  50. 陳清惠(1989).住院病患跌倒危險因素之探討,榮總護理,8(3),305-313。
  51. 陳清惠(1989).住院病患跌倒事件之調查研究,榮總護理,8(2),193-201。
  52. 陳清惠(1989).由不遵從行為看糖尿病衛教,榮總護理,6(3),205-208。
  53. 陳清惠(1988).癌症與老人,榮總護理,5(2),203-207。
  54. 盧崇正、陳清惠(1987).護理所從事居家呼吸治療應有的規範‧胸腔醫訊,2(3),21-25。
  55. 陳清惠(1987).由護理的角度探討住院老年病患的需要,榮總護理,4(2),143-148。


  1. 陳清惠(2013)‧長期照護緒論‧於宋惠娟等合著,長期照護(第五版,1-13) ‧台中:華格納。
  2. 陳清惠(2012)‧100年度一般大學組優良護理教師經驗分享--國立成功大學護理學系 陳清惠教授‧臺灣護理教育學會會訊。
  3. 陳清惠(2009)‧生命倫理之臨床應用‧護福月刊,183,5-7。
  4. 陳清惠(2009)‧生命倫理之意涵‧護福月刊,183,2-4。
  5. 陳清惠(2008)‧改變生命的教學‧護福月刊,181,13。
  6. 歐載怡、陳清惠(2007)‧一位青年其心臟病個案的心靈之旅.護福月刊,175,6-12。
  7. 陳清惠(2004)‧推展社區老人關節保健-太極拳運動之經驗.國民體育季刊,33(3),58-63。
  8. 陳清惠(2003)‧家庭照護者如何提昇靈性健康‧照顧者特刊,12,35-44。
  9. 陳清惠(2000)‧長期照護緒論‧於田玫等合著,長期照護‧台北:華格納。
  10. 李引玉、陳清惠、葉莉莉等合著(1998)‧成大護理技術‧偉華書局有限公司。
  11. 陳清惠(1998)‧成功的帶領者‧護福雙月刊,135,1-4。
  12. 陳清惠(1997)‧自我管理‧護福月刊,124,1-4。
  13. 陳清惠(1997)‧老年人的靈性護理‧護福月刊,129,17-20。
  14. 陳玉枝、陳清惠、蔡仁貞、陳真瑗(1996)‧復健護理‧華杏出版公司。
  15. 陳清惠、歐嘉美(編譯)(1987)‧老人護理學‧華杏出版公司。





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