Fang, Su-Ying Honors and Awards
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Fang, Su-Ying Honors and Awards

Honors and Awards


Outstanding Nursing Teacher in General Universities by the Nursing Education Association in 2021


2020 Excellent Innovative Curriculum and Teaching Competition for University Teachers Excellent Works

Pathological Physiology, I turned my notes into a map

Excellent Teacher of the Year at Chenggong University in the 108th academic year


Second place in the teaching innovation individual group of the 107th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

Let’s write together: How do notes turn into maps? The application of mind maps in the study of pathological physiology


2018 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium Annual  (Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium)  Best Poster Award

First place in the teaching innovation group group of the 106th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

Care Patient through Cancer Journey - Care Patient through Cancer Journey - "Full-stage integrated cancer care" cross-domain mobility professional talent cultivation

Excellent Work Award in the Teaching Achievement Group Group of the 106th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

Deepening of the professional abilities of advanced nurses in the international class: observation, reflection and problem solving

Third place in the 106th academic year medical student summer research health care group  

EThe effectiveness of E- based decision-making aids in assisting women with newly diagnosed breast cancer to make breast reconstruction decisions


Excellent Paper Award from the Clinical Medicine Group of the Chengxing Medical Culture and Education Foundation

105thAcademic Year Medical Student Summer Research Health Care Group Excellence Award

EDevelopment and pilot testing of E -chemo-assisted surgical decision-making for women with breast cancer

National Cheng Kung University School of Medicine 2015 Best Paper Award


Excellent Work Award in the Teaching Achievement Group Group of the 104th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

Flipped Classroom: Improving Learning Ability-Student Learning-Centered Teaching Strategies

Excellent Work Award in the Teaching Achievement Group Group of the 104th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

OSCEApplication of OSCE in international class health assessment and internship summative evaluation


Excellent Paper Award from the Clinical Medicine Group of the Chengxing Medical Culture and Education Foundation

Student Club and Department Association Information Evaluation Outstanding Club Tutor Award

Excellent Work Award in the Teaching Innovation Group Group of the 103th School of Medicine Teaching Innovation and Teaching Competition

National Cheng Kung University School of Medicine 2014 Best Paper Award for Newcomers


The Ministry of Education Technical Vocational College Southern District Regional Teaching Resource Center subsidizes the "Teaching Activity Design Workshop" Subsidy Plan to Improve Teaching Quality

The Ministry of Education Technical Vocational College Southern District Regional Teaching Resource Center's "Subsidized Teaching Professional Community" Subsidy Plan to Improve Teaching and Improve Teaching Quality



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