Wang, Wei-Fang Publications
Refereed Paper
- Wang, W. F., Hung, C. H., Li, C. Y. (2017, Jan). Development trajectories and predictors of nursing preceptors’ role commitment. Journal of Nursing Research. Accepted. (SSCI, IF:0.944, R/C =69/114= 0.605, NURSING)
- 陳貞如、李歡芳、王維芳、方玉瓊(2017)‧預測胃腸肝膽病人發生壓瘡之危險因子‧榮總護理,34(2),130-141。doi: 10.6142/VGHN.34.2.130
- 許瓊惠、王維芳(2013)‧一位合併惡性蕈狀傷口的乳癌病人接受門診放射治療期間之護理經驗‧長庚護理,24(1),62-70。
- 李佳諭、王維芳、張瑩如(2011)‧實證護理培訓課程對護理人員實證護理知識、態度及行為之成效探討‧新臺北護理期刊,13(1),19-31。doi: 10.6540/NTJN.2011.1.003
- 李淑芬、王維芳、張圓圓、黃維珍、黃美智(2010)‧醫學中心複合式護理模式中照顧服務員之工作經驗‧護理暨健康照護研究,6 (4),253-260。
- 李淑葒、王維芳、林淑媛(2010)‧實證照護之應用-以手術中期預防尖銳物扎傷為例‧護理雜誌,57(2),87-92。
- 李淑荭、王維芳(2007)‧運用關懷照護概念協助一位門診手術兒童及其母親之護理經驗‧護理雜誌,54(6),89-96。
- 張瑩如、王維芳(2007)‧實証護理與能力進階制度之結合~成大醫院推展之經驗‧國際護理榮譽學會會訊,29,46-53。
- 王維芳(2006)‧外籍護理人員在成醫‧成大醫訊,17(1),9-13。
- 王維芳、王秀紅(2003)‧認識災難護理‧榮總護理,21(1),46-53。
- 王維芳(2001)‧肺癌末期疼痛病患之護理過程-Roy 適應理論之應用‧長庚護理雜誌,12(3),252-259。
- 王維芳、葉淑惠(2001)‧一位食用減肥菜引起呼吸困難之病患護理-Orem 理論之應用‧長庚護理雜誌,12(1),72-79。
- 王維芳(2000)‧「創傷後反應」之概念分析‧榮總護理,17(2),111-118。
- 許惠娥、王維芳(1999)‧慢性阻塞性肺部疾病個案低效性呼吸型態之急診室護理‧護理新象,9(3),40-47。
- 郭麗芬、王維芳(1999)‧應用Orem 理論護理一位急診氣喘患者的經驗‧護理雜誌,46(4),86-93。
- 王維芳(1997)‧「新進護理人員經驗手冊」之應用與評值‧護理新象,7(2),643-657。
Conference Paper
- Lin, C. J., Wang, W. F., Chen, C. Y. (2017, 8). Establishing an environment for creativity of clinical teachers – report on preliminary outcomes. 2017 An International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE), Helsinki, Finland.
- Wang, W. F., Hung, C. H., Li, C. Y. (2017, 5). Development trajectories and Predictors of nursing preceptors’ role commitment. International Council of Nurses Congress (ICN) 2017, Spain, Barcelona.
- 王維芳、洪志秀(2015,08)‧護理臨床教師感受到的壓力和支持以及其使命:重複測試研究 ‧台灣護理學會第三十一屆護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流‧台南:國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院。
- Wang, W. F., Chen, W. C., Wang, Y. C., Shie, H. C., Yao, W. J., & Hsiue, T. Z. (2014, 8). The effectiveness of faculty development courses: Evaluated by Kirkpatrick model. 2014 An International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE), Italy, Milan.
- Wang, W. F., Shie, H. C., Chen, W. C., & Tsai, P. J. (2013,7). Implementation and evaluation of the mini-CEX in clinical nurses. STTI 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Czech Republic, Prague.
- Wang, W. F., Chen, J. R., & Chiang, J. J.(2011,7). The effects of e-Learning education on advanced pressure sores care for clinical nurses. STTI 22th International Nursing Research Congress, Mexico, Cancun.
- 王維芳、張瑩如、陳貞如、李淑芬、林素月、廖純真、張秀蘭、洪麗娟、羅秀媛、蔣玉珍、李佳諭(2010,09)‧壓瘡預防與照護臨床照護指引之發展與應用‧台灣實証醫學學會2010 學術年會‧台中:台中榮民總醫院。
- 黃儒傾、王維芳(2010,09)‧應用多媒體影音光碟於泌尿道內視鏡手術病人手術指引之成效探討 ‧台灣護理學會第二十六次研究論文發表會‧台中:中國醫藥大學。
- Wang, W. F., Chen, J. R., & Chiang, J. J.(2010,7). The application and evaluation of e-learning education on pressure sores care for new nurse staffs. STTI 21th International Nursing Research Congress, USA FL, Orlando.
- Wang, W. F. (2009,6). The effect of the education program of evidence based nursing to clinical nurses. 24th ICN Quadrennial Congress, South Africa, Durban.
- 王維芳、李淑芬、羅秀媛、陳貞如、蔣玉珍、林素月、洪麗娟、廖純真、張秀蘭(2008,11)‧運用多元教學方案降低壓瘡盛行率之成效‧台灣醫療品質指標(TQIP)運用發表會‧台北:台北榮民總醫院。
- 蔣玉珍、王首文、王琪珍、王維芳(2008, 9)‧人造膀胱術後患者返家照顧需求探討‧台灣護理學會第二十四次研究論文發表會‧台北:台北醫學大學。
- Wang, W. F. (2007, 11). The education of evidence-based nursing and advance nursing ladder system. Asia Pacific EBM Network Conference 2007, Taiwan, Taipei.
- 李淑芬、王維芳(2007, 9)‧醫學中心病患服務員的角色探討‧台灣護理學會第二十三次研究論文發表會‧台中:中國醫藥大學。
- Huang, J. C., Wang, W. F., Huang, H. C., Hu, H. L., & Lee, S. H. (2007, 8). Analysis and the subsequent management for intra-operative pressure ulcers. 5th Australasian Conference Safety and Quality in Health Care, Australia, Brisbane.
- Wang, W. F., Yang, C. F. & Tseng, V. S.(2007,7). Building a prediction model for surgical patients of pressure ulcer based on Data Mining and clinical application. 18th International Nursing Research Congress, Austria, Vienna.
- 王維芳、羅秀媛、李淑芬、林素月、廖純真、張秀蘭、洪麗娟、陳貞如、蔣玉珍(2006,12)‧護理人員對壓瘡預防照護的知識與行為之探討. 護理研究論文發表會‧台南:成大醫學院。
- 黃儒傾、王維芳、黃琇珠、胡秀麗、李淑荭、劉麗珒(2006,12)‧手術室相關分析及改善. 護理研究論文發表會‧台南:成大醫學院。
- Wang, W. F., & Chung, W. C.(2006,7). Application and evaluation the positioning assistive device for retinal detachment patients after surgery. 17th International Nursing Research Congress, Canada, Montreal.
- Wang, W. F., Wu, M. H., Tseng, G. H., Lee, C. C., Lee, L. N., Wu, J. W., & Yang, C. F. (2006, 4). A study of improvement on outpatients medicine safety. 2006 International Hospital Federation Asian Pacific Regional Conference, Taiwan, Taipei.
- Huang, R. C., Huang, H. C., Hu, H. L., & Wang, W. F. (2005,10). The program to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer in the patient during the operation. 5th International Nursing Conference, Korea, Seoul.
- Wang, W. F. (2005,7). The application and evaluation of evidence-based nursing training to clinical practice. 16th International Nursing Research Congress, American, Hawaii.
- Wang, W. F. (2005,5). The preliminary study on nursing research behaviors of clinical nurses. 23rd ICN Quadrennial Congress, Taiwan, Taipei.
- Wang, W. F. (2004,8). A study on the nursing research-related attitude in one medical center. 5th International Nursing Research Conference, Japan, Fukushima.
- Lee, C. C., & Wang, W. F. (2004,8). The project of promoting registration of the first visit ophthalmic outpatients. 2nd Australasian Conference on Safety and Quality in Health Care, Australia, Canberra.
- 李秀花、王維芳、施雅蘭、李萱(2004, 2)‧使用PICC 導管腫瘤病人返家後之困擾事件及照顧行為之探討‧中華民國護理學會第二十次研究論文發表會。
- Wang, W. F., & Wang, H. H.(2003,8). The basic needs of disaster assistance nurses. 1st Ministry of Health International Nursing Conference, Singapore.
- Wang, W. F., & Wang, H. H.(2002,7). The study of assistant nurses on the training needs related to disaster nursing. 13th International Nursing Research Congress, Australia, Brisbane.
- Wang, W. F., & Wang, H. H.(2001). The study of perceptions of disaster assistance nurses. 2nd Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, Taiwan, Taipei.
- 王維芳、王秀紅(2001)‧支援災難護理人員對災難護理的相關需求及支援感受‧中華民國護理學會第十八次研究論文發表會‧台中:中國醫藥學院。
- Wang, W. F., & Guo, S. E.(1998). Comparison of HIV+/AIDS – related stress, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors from nurses in one medical center. 3rd International Nursing Research Conference, Japan, Tokyo.
- 王維芳(1996)‧新進護理人員經驗手冊之應用與評值‧北京、香港、台灣、日本國際護理論文交流研討會‧中華人民共合國:北京。
Other Publication
- 王維芳(2017)‧護理臨床教師感受到的壓力和支持以及其使命感:重複測試研究‧未發表的博士論文‧高雄醫學大學護理研究所,高雄市。
- 王維芳(2001)‧支援災難護理人員對災難護理的相關需求及支援感受‧未發表的碩士論文‧高雄醫學大學護理研究所,高雄市。
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