成杏醫學文教基金會(NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation):Q&A for applying the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation for international conference
Q&A for applying the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation for international conference
Q1: How to apply the supporting funding for international conference?
You can apply the funding from NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation, and the maximum funding amount will be ten thousand NT dollars. However, whether the application is approved depends on the budget.
Q2: What should I prepare before the conference?
- The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation (see the attached word file). *
- The accepted abstract
- The accepted letter and invitation from conference
*Please submit the application at least one month before the conference to Miss Elise.
*Please refer to Instructions & Example The official document to NCKU hospital公文撰寫指引 to fill in document 1.
*If the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation accepted your application, please send the scanned file (The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation) to z10510012@ncku.edu.tw.
Q3: Procedure of application for funding from NCKU Hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.
1. Prepare all the documents mentioned at Q2. (Please remember to sign at the Official documents to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.)
2. Send the files to Ms. Elise at Department of Nursing. After Director of Department of Nursing sign, we will submit the documents to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.
Q4: What should I do after the conference?
After the conference, please submit relevant documents to those who is responsible for applying for supporting funding from NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.
You could choose to provide receipt for one of airfare/ registration fee/ accommodation fee. As followed:
- air fare
(1)Boarding pass/登機證
(2)Electronic Ticket/電子機票
(3)air fare receipt/機票收據或旅行社開立之代收轉付收據
- Registration fee
(1) Registration fee receipt/註冊費收據
(2) Credit card receipt (copy)/信用卡收據(影本)
- Accommodation fee
(1) Accommodation fee receipt(住宿費收據)
(2) Credit card copy/信用卡收據(影本)
- Your personal seal
- Passed official document or copy
- 研討會後-黏貼憑證 (after conference-application for subsidy)—download from website of Department of Nursing
- Copy of ARC (front side and back side) (only for International students)
- Copy of the post office bank account passbook
- Copy of Student ID (front side)
- Foreign Exchange Rate (Link)
※If you received the invoice from travel agency, there should be the company registration number 06479649 and財團法人成杏醫學文教基金會 on the invoice or receipt. (旅行社開立之代收轉付收據需列抬頭:財團法人成杏醫學文教基金會及統編:06479649)
*If the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation accepted your application, please send the scanned file (The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation) to z9803058@email.ncku.edu.tw.