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成杏醫學文教基金會(NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation):Q&A for applying the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation for international conference



Q&A for applying the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation for international conference



Q1: How to apply the supporting funding for international conference?

You can apply the funding from NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation, and the maximum funding amount will be ten thousand NT dollars. However, whether the application is approved depends on the budget.

Q2: What should I prepare before the conference?

  1. The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation (see the attached word file). *
  2. The accepted abstract
  3. The accepted letter and invitation from conference

*Please submit the application at least one month before the conference to Miss Elise.

*Please refer to Instructions & Example The official document to NCKU hospital公文撰寫指引 to fill in document 1.

*If the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation accepted your application, please send the scanned file (The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation) to z10510012@ncku.edu.tw.

Q3: Procedure of application for funding from NCKU Hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.

1. Prepare all the documents mentioned at Q2. (Please remember to sign at the Official documents to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.)

2. Send the files to Ms. Elise at Department of Nursing. After Director of Department of Nursing sign, we will submit the documents to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.

Q4: What should I do after the conference?

After the conference, please submit relevant documents to those who is responsible for applying for supporting funding from NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation.

You could choose to provide receipt for one of airfare/ registration fee/ accommodation fee. As followed:

  1. air fare

(1)Boarding pass/登機證

(2)Electronic Ticket/電子機票

(3)air fare receipt/機票收據或旅行社開立之代收轉付收據

  1. Registration fee

(1) Registration fee receipt/註冊費收據

(2) Credit card receipt (copy)/信用卡收據(影本)

  1. Accommodation fee

(1) Accommodation fee receipt(住宿費收據)

(2) Credit card copy/信用卡收據(影本)

  1. Your personal seal
  2. Passed official document or copy
  3. 研討會後-黏貼憑證 (after conference-application for subsidy)—download from website of Department of Nursing
  4. Copy of ARC (front side and back side) (only for International students)
  5. Copy of the post office bank account passbook
  6. Copy of Student ID (front side)
  7. Foreign Exchange Rate (Link)

※If you received the invoice from travel agency, there should be the company registration number 06479649 and財團法人成杏醫學文教基金會 on the invoice or receipt. (旅行社開立之代收轉付收據需列抬頭:財團法人成杏醫學文教基金會及統編:06479649)

*If the NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation accepted your application, please send the scanned file (The official document to NCKU hospital Cheng-Hsing Medical Foundation) to z9803058@email.ncku.edu.tw.

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