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Lai, Wei-Shu Graduate Student



Thesis Title


Tai, Chin-Nan

Exploring the current status of the post-mortem care by nursing professionals in an Intensive Care Unit


Huang, Shih-Ling

Exploring the experiences and needs of impending death discharge among cancer patients’ families

Liao, Fu-Hsin

Exploring the impact of free flap reconstruction on obstructive sleep apnea of patients with oral and oropharynx cancer: A preliminary study


Liu, Li-Chen

Development of “Integration of Postmortem Care and Acute Bereavement Care” entrustable professional activities

Wu, Man-Ting

Development of a bereavement risk assessment tool


Wu, Yuan-Ting

The effectiveness of grief intervention in reducing the prolonged grief disorder of bereaved family members: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Lin, Yi-Hsin

Experience and demand of death preparations for significant others of terminal cancer patients

Nguyen Thi Dan

Nurses’ difficulties and self-reported practices about palliative care for cancer patients in Vietnam


Chiu, Tzu-Yun

Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of dignity therapy for patients with terminal cancer in Taiwan

Han, Ying-Fang

Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the bereavement risk assessment tool


Chang, Yu-Jou

The experience and care needs on undergoing fellow patients’ death in cancer patients during hospitalization: A descriptive phenomenology study

Liu, Shi-Chia

Development and evaluation of “medical telephone  communication” entrustable professional activities

Huang, Yu-Syuan

The effectiveness of artificial intelligence chatbox for hypertension management in Taiwan


Mahdiansyah Priska Ekayanti

Dignity of Patients with Cancer in Indonesia

Pham Duc Tuan

Dignity and its influencing factors in patients with cancer in Vietnam


Exploring the Relationship Between Family Caregivers' Burden, Self-Perceived Burden, and Dignity Distress in Non-Cancer Terminal Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study

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