Job information Form for work permit of international students
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Job information Form for work permit of international students

Department of Nursing – National Cheng Kung University

Job information Form for work permit of international students

112.04.10 Department Affairs Meeting of the 112-academic year

  • Foreign students who apply for the " Work Permit for NCKU International Students " from OIA, must follow requirements below:
    1. Please briefly describe the content of your job information on the “ Work Permit Application Form for NCKU International Students " from OIA.
    1. Please provide the attachment 1 and the hiring evidence (mail, advisor permission letter, etc.)
    1. Please note that your job nature must be related to teaching assistant and the opportunity must be provided by the International Medical center. Or other work projects that do not cause potential danger to students; the application can only be applied after a review by the director.
    2. No more than 20 hours per week.
    1. The commute time should be less than 1-hour, limit in Tainan area.
  • The given information above should not be false or illegal (work without work permit), the ‘Work Permit for NCKU International Students’ of applicant will not be approved for the next time and the scholarship eligibility of applicant will also be revoked.
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